The Doctor and Cass Reunite in Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who: Time War: Cass’
On November 11, Big Finish announced an exciting news for Doctor Who fans. The Eighth Doctor will reunite with Cass Fermazzi a decade after their first meeting in “The Night of The Doctor.” Cass will join The Doctor earlier in his life while he is still avoiding taking part in the Time War.
Doctor Who: Time War: Cass will be released in January 2023.
Paul McGann and Emma Campbell-Jones are back as The Eight Doctor and Cass Fermazzi. Sonny McGann is also back playing Alex Campbell, The Doctor’s great-grandson from another universe.
The titles and the writers of the new stories are already known:
5.1 Meanwhile, Elsewhere by Tim Foley (1 part)
5.2 Vespertine by Lou Morgan (1 part)
5.3 Previously, Next Time by James Moran (2 parts)
Big Finish announced Cass’ return on Twitter:
Doctor Who: Time War: Cass is available to preorder on the Big Finish website as a CD and a download.