‘Ghosted: Love Gone Missing’ Season One, Episode One Recap: “Julia and Delmond”

MTV has released a new investigative series called Ghosted: Love Gone Missing, a show that tracks down ghosts that are either former lovers, friends, or family members. What are ghosts, you may ask? According to Dictionary.com, “ghosting” is a widely used verb that refers to when someone suddenly ends all contact with a person without any explanation, especially in romantic relationships. The show, similar to Catfish another MTV show, confronts the ghost of the haunted in an effort to find out the truth behind the ghosting. The show’s hosts are Travis Mills (Good Girls) and Rachel Lindsay (The Bachelorette), who bonded over their own ghosting stories and are on a mission to help others.

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The first episode of Ghosted: Love Gone Missing centers on Julia from Marine City, Michigan and her search for Delmond, a lifelong friend.

Julia wonders if missing a “coming out” anniversary or an overbearing ex came between her and Delmond.

Below is a recap of the first episode with spoilers:

Travis and Rachel head to Marine City, Michigan to meet Julia and get the details of her ghosting. The day is gloomy, and Rachel says she’s heard that is indicative of the way the day is going to go.

Julia and Delmond (Del) knew each other since they were kids. When they met, Julia was three and Del was five. His mother used to babysit Julia, so they grew up and did everything together. Julia doesn’t get along wither mom or sister, so Del was family to her.  She was the first person he came out to and she was like a sister to him.

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Del ghosted Julia on November 8 of last year, after she was unable to make it to his coming out anniversary party. Every year, Julia and Del would go out and celebrate the anniversary. She thinks missing the party is what took a toll on their friendship, because that’s when he stopped replying.

She then announced that she’s six months pregnant. She posted about being pregnant on her social media, but she’s not sure if he knows because he hasn’t commented on or liked the post, nor has he contacted her.

She was able to see his social media posts after the anniversary party, and since then, he’s blocked her after seeing she watched his story. She then saw on his Facebook that he posted a video from his party saying he was there with his real friends celebrating his coming-out anniversary. Julia had a copy of the video and shared it with Travis and Rachel.

Julia began spending more time with Devin, one of her exes. She’s not sure if this was causing jealousy from Del. When Travis and Rachel asked how Devin and Del got along, Julia said they tolerated each other. Devin and Julia broke up right before the anniversary party, because he was being manipulative and invading her privacy.

Travis asked if Devin is her child’s father, and he’s not. Then he asked if Julia is still with the child’s father, and she tells him that she is not. So she doesn’t have anyone there for her.

For the last six months, she doesn’t know any of Del’s whereabouts.


November 8, 2018: Missed Del’s Coming Out anniversary party.

November 8, 2018: Del posts on social media.

November 8, 2018: Del ghosts Julia.

April 20, 2019: Julia posts about her pregnancy.

The best case scenario for Julia is for her and Del to rebond so that he can be the godfather for her child. When Travis and Rachel leave Julia’s house, they go over the theories and decide to call Del.

Initial Theories: Why did Delmond ghost Julia?

Delmond was jealous of Julia’s relationship with Devin.

Julia bailed on Delmond’s Coming Out anniversary party.

The Investigation

Del’s voicemail answers when Travis and Rachel call him, so they leave him a message to call them back. They travel to Kate’s Downtown to do some investigative work.

They have his social media information, so they decide to look back at his posts from around the time of the ghosting.

Delmond posted on November 19:

And if you ever felt like I was fake to you, then we were never friends. Point. Blank. Period.

Then on November 25 he posted:

B*tches always thinks there’s beef if you don’t like them. Sis, I just don’t like you, your character. That is literally it. There’s no beef. Get over it!

Travis and Rachel theorize these are cryptic messages written about Julia. They notice that someone named Jamie has commented on both messages. They decide to message her to ask if she will contact them to discuss Delmond.

They then see a post from Delmond that says:

The only person I wanna talk to/be around is super f***** toxic for me and my well being so I’m gonna continue being miserable bc I legit have no one to talk to. Happy Monday ya’ll!

Travis and Rachel notice that Devin, Julia’s manipulative ex boyfriend, comments on the status “You know you can always talk to me Del.” They’ve reached out to Devin to get information from him also.

After the investigative work, Del’s social media friend Jamie gives them a call. Jamie says she knows Julia but doesn’t have a relationship with her. She’s also aware that Del doesn’t talk to Julia anymore. She says at the Coming Out anniversary party Del was very upset and says he didn’t understand why she didn’t come, and he wasn’t given an explanation. At first he was sad, but then it turned into anger. He hasn’t talked to Jamie about the situation with Julia after that. Jamie has met Devin, but doesn’t think he’s friends with Del. Travis asks her to contact Del and ask him to contact them.

As they get back to their hotel, Del calls them.

When they tell him they are there because of Julia, he says he doesn’t want to talk about it right now, and he’s not sure if he will meet them the next day.

On day two of the investigation, they meet up with Julia at her work to give them an update on their investigation. They tell Julia that Jamie gave them some insight on the night of the party, and the information about Devin commenting on one of Del’s posts. She is shocked to find out that Devin has commented on a post, and it concerns her because he is manipulative. They told Julia once they were able to talk to Del, he shut down, and they are waiting on him to call them back.

After Travis and Rachel left Julia’s work, Devin calls them. They tell him that they are trying to find Del. He agrees to meet up with them to talk. They go to meet him at Raven Café.

Devin says he doesn’t know why him and Julia broke up. When they broke up, he was left homeless. He ended up creating a friendship with Del. He left the comment on Del’s post because Del was there for him when Julia left him high and dry. He says he’s not surprised that Del has ghosted Julia. Devin says he told Del all the lies that Julia was saying. Devin says that Julia would talk to Del behind his back. When Travis asks what kind of things she was saying, Devin says it’s not his place to say. Devin says that they are all two faced. Travis asks Devin if he takes any pride in the fact that Del ghosted Julia, and he replies, with a smirk, that, “Revenge is sweet.”

After the conversation with Devin, Travis and Rachel have a new theory: Devin sabotaged Delmond and Julia’s relationship. They think whatever Devin told Del was made up to cause the rift between Julia and Del.

They decide to call Del back and leave him a voicemail that they now know why he ghosted Julia after they spoke with Devin.

Del calls them back and agrees to meet with them at his house.

Travis and Rachel finally meet the ghost. Rachel starts out by saying she doesn’t like Devin, and Del says he doesn’t either, which Travis says is news to them. They tell Del that Devin admitted to telling Del things Julia said behind his back.

Rachel breaks it down to Del and asks that since Julia felt like his family before whatever it is went down, doesn’t he feel like she has a right to know why he’s ghosted her? Del responds that he can’t do this. Rachel tells him that Julia’s been miserable for the last seven months. They ask if he knows that Julia is pregnant, and he nods that he does. They tell him that she said her baby needs to meet their godfather. This conversation makes Del very emotional. He says that there is so much to the situation, and he’s not sure if he can talk about it.

They ask Del to find it in his heart to sit down with Julia the following day, and he agrees that he will. Travis and Rachel call Julia to tell her that Del has agreed to meet with her. Julia is very nervous to see Del. The following day a studio is set up for Del and Julia to confront each other.

When Julia arrives, Travis and Rachel meet her outside and tell her about their conversation with Devin. They let her know that when they broke up, he made it his mission to be best friends with Del, and that he was telling Del everything she said about him. Julia can’t think of anything she would have said to Devin that would have made Del ghost her.

When Del arrives, Julia starts crying as soon as she sees him. Del and Julia are sitting in chairs facing each other for the confrontation, while Travis and Rachel sit nearby with headphones on to hear the conversation.

Travis asks that they each listen and hear each other out. Rachel then says after that they will decide if they want to make-up or ghost.

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The Confrontation:

Julia starts by saying she misses and loves him him so much. She apologizes for missing his Coming Out anniversary party; it was just very hard with stuff going on with her mom and with the break up. She tells him that she’s six months pregnant and that his nephew is going to be here in three months. She cries that she’s been doing it all alone, and she needs to know what she did wrong. She asks if it was because she was spending more time with Devin, or if it was because Devin was talking about her, or because she missed his Coming Out anniversary party.

Del starts by saying he did know that she was pregnant but that he couldn’t face her. He admits that he was upset that she missed his Coming Out anniversary party. He said that Devin told him the reason Julia didn’t come to the anniversary party was because she said he was a horrible friend and had mentioned Del had plastic surgery and a lot of other “nasty” things. He says he gets called fake and superficial from other people, and he didn’t need that from his best friend. Julia says she didn’t say that and cries while asking, “Why would I do that to you?” Del says he wasn’t sure if she was mad at him because she didn’t come to his party.

Del says he should have been a better friend. He just didn’t know where they stood because they weren’t really talking. Julia says he’s never been a bad friend, and she would have never talked bad about him. Del says that’s not true, and he was a bad friend. He inhales deeply as he prepares to tell Julia the reason he ghosted her.

The reason I ghosted you was because after your breakup with Devin, we had sex and we were together for two months.

Devin reached out to Del after the break-up for a shoulder to cry on. Devin then seduced Del. As she’s crying, Julia says that she’s disgusted with Del, because out of all the men in the world he chooses one “piece of ****” over her. Julia says she doesn’t care about Devin, but that Del stopped talking to her over it, especially since she felt guilty for ruining their friendship, but now she knows it wasn’t her. Del says he hates Devin, and that he understands if Julia won’t forgive him, because he isn’t sure he can forgive himself.

Julia then asks again if Del saw the post about her pregnancy. As he’s crying, all Del can do is nod that he did see it. He says that every day he regrets what he’s done, but it’s something he can’t take back. Julia says she has to think about what she wants to do.

They take a break to think over the confrontation. Julia goes with Rachel, and Del goes with Travis to talk about what has transpired.

Julia tells Rachel that she’s disgusted with risking a lifelong friendship over a guy. Del said it made him realize how much regret he has over it happening. Rachel tells her that she doesn’t know everything about their relationship, so it’s all up to Julia whether they should make-up or not. Del tells Travis that he wants his best friend back, but if it was him, he wouldn’t take himself back.

Tell us in the comments if you would have ghosted or made-up with Del if you were Julia!

The Final Text

Julia and Del return to their seats facing each other with their phones in their hands. Rachel tells them that they have a chance to say some final words. Julia says she’s not sure if she can look at him the same way, or if she can forgive him because he gave up 16 years for something temporary. Del says that he takes ownership, tells her that he loves her, and apologizes for what he’s done wrong.

The time has come for them each to send a final text. Del decided to make-up. He says he will do everything in his power to make it up to Julia and to gain her trust back.

Julia decided to make-up. She says they have so much history, and she won’t allow another person to come between them, because they are like blood to each other. She won’t forget what he did, but she will forgive him and will always love him.

Travis, Rachel, Julia, and Del have a group hug, and Del thanks them for chasing him down. Julia and Del leave together, and Travis and Rachel comment that they should “never trust a Devin.”

Two Months Later

Travis and Rachel call Julia to Facetime with her, and when she answers, Del is with her. They give the update that they are happy and together. Julia is happy her son has a godfather. Del says he learned his lesson from ghosting, and he could have lost his sister and will never do it again. They both agree Devin is cut out of their lives.

Ghosted: Love Gone Missing is airs on MTV every Tuesday at 9pm.

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