Square Enix

New ‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ Trailer Highlights Infamous Villain

With less than two months to go until release, Square Enix has released a new trailer for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Sephiroth is on his mission to rule the world, and the only thing standing in his way are Cloud and his comrades. The trailer showcases some important moments, including the Nibelheim Incident and the Junon Ceremony that players of the original game will easily recognize. Shinra-8, the ship that takes Cloud and crew along to Costa del Sol also made an appearance. Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, Red XIII, and Yuffie are back with new comrades Cid Highwind, Vincent Valentine, and Cait Sith. How Cloud’s old SOLDIER comrade Zack Fair will be wound into this reimagined tale remains to be seen, but fans have their speculations.

Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy and was voted Most Anticipated Title of 2024 at the 2023 Game Awards. The PlayStation 5 exclusive game is currently available to pre-order physically and digitally with different editions, each boasting its own perks and rewards.

The wait is almost over, FFVII Rebirth releases on February 29, 2024.

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