Who Wrote the Note in the Opening Credits of ‘WandaVision’ Episode 7?
WandaVision is full of Easter Eggs and hints; the tiniest details have the biggest implications (Agnes asking Wanda about her “witch’s mark” at the beginning of the episode anyone?). Taking a fine-toothed comb through each frame of the episode has become a mainstay of the WandaVision era and this episode is no exception.
In the opening credits to WandaVision within WandaVision, we see Wanda’s name flash in different styles akin to Happy Endings, but one very rapid frame contained a note to Wanda …
So who could have written this note? There are a few options.
Doctor Strange
It’s been long theorized that Doctor Strange is likely trying to breakthrough to Wanda, since about episode 3. He does this in the comics via astral projection and there’s no way he doesn’t know about this reality-altering hex one state over from New York.
Also in this episode was a huge hint to Strange’s involvement in the ad for Nexus. With Wanda (likely) realizing her status as a Nexus Being here soon, someone is going to have to tell her, and the only man for the job is the good doctor of the Mystic Arts. But he has to break into Westview first.
Another long standing theory is Ultron’s involvement with whatever shady business Director Hayward is conducting with Vision. Hayward is way too interested in Vision and it was confirmed in episode 7 that he as trying to bring the synthezoid back online to work as his weapon. His … or Ultron’s?
Ultron is of course the creator of Vision in the MCU, so there’s no way the AI villain just forgot about him and accepted his betrayal to the Avengers. Hayward is the perfect way to get Vision back into Ultron’s hand. Except, all attempts at reviving Vision have proven to be unsuccessful until he fell back into Wanda’s hands. So Ultron may have to reevaluate just how he may get Vision back.
Ultron is also likely tracking Wanda, as she also betrayed him in Avengers: Age of Ultron, by both switching sides and ripping Ultron’s heart out … ouch. He probably knows about the closeness Vizh and Wanda have shared throughout the years, too.
Agatha Harkness
The end of this episode finally revealed what fans have been speculating since episode 1, that Agnes has been Agatha Harkness “all along.” She obviously knows about what Wanda was doing from the start, probably aiding her, but perhaps she wasn’t expecting Wanda to go as far as she did — the twins.
Agatha was a large part of the twins’ creation in the comics, and it will be interesting to see what road the MCU takes with Billy and Tommy. But this note could be referencing that Agatha knows just how she created those twins …
The road is seemingly leading to Mephisto. The MCU could absolutely trash the comic creation of the twins, but for now just their existence alone gives good evidence that Mephisto is somehow involved.
The note could have two different meanings if it is from Mephisto. One, he knows she stole two shards of his lost souls to create those boys, and he intends to make it right. Two, Mephisto may know that Wanda is trying to weasel out of their deal. The art of the magical deal was hinted at greatly in episode 6, so Wanda may have made one with the Marvel Devil to finally get a slice of happiness.
Of course, Mephisto likes to make deals with the powerful, and if Wanda is, currently unknowingly, the Nexus Being of Reality 616, she’s the perfect candidate for Mephisto to be after …
The first seven episodes of WandaVision are currently streaming exclusively on Disney+.