The Eighth Doctor Meet Brian The Ood in ‘Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: He Kills Me He Kills Me Not’

Image courtesy of Big Finish

Paul McGann is back as The Eighth Doctor in a full cast audio drama contribution to the Time Lord Victorious multi-platform event. In this story, The Doctor is headed to Atharna but quickly realizes that something is wrong and that history has changed.

Paul McGann is joined by Silas Carson as Brian the Ood, Jack DeVos (Samson), Pauline Eyre (Katherine), Misha Malcolm (Felicity), Martin McDougall (Craddock), and Melanie Stevens (Sophie). Brian first appeared earlier this month in the BBC Book Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool, and The Dead, where Brian meets the tenth incarnation of The Doctor back in the Dark Times.

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: He Kills Me He Kills Me Not is written by Carrie Thompson, directed by Scott Handcock, and produced by Alfie Shaw. You can read the synopsis courtesy of below.

On the desert world of Atharna, the Doctor’s life is about to be changed forever.

Looking to visit one of the Seven Hundred Wonders of the Universe, he’s quickly embroiled in a web of deceit. Worse than that, this Wonder of the Universe is missing, and the Doctor is about to encounter one of his most dangerous and duplicitous adversaries.

The Doctor is about to meet Brian.

Further, on the Big Finish website, Silas Carson said the following about playing the character:

“I just love doing the Ood – in all their different forms.  Playing an Ood who’s an assassin means there’s much more range for evilness. As always these scripts are so much fun and there’s a real tongue in cheek element to this story.”

Adding to it, writer Carrie Thompson said:

“It’s a delight to be involved in a transmedia story with such huge scope; I can’t wait to see how it unfolds across all of the other platforms. I have always had a soft spot for the Ood and therefore I was delighted to write this story.  “It was interesting to subvert the character qualities of the Ood for this tale. Brian is anomalous and probably the only assassin Ood; there’s a real tension with him – appearances can be deceiving and none more so than with Brian.”

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: He Kills Me He Kills Me Not is now available to own as a CD or digital download on the Big Finish website. The story is the first part of a trilogy, which will be followed by The Enemy of my Enemy (out in November 2020), and Mutually Assured Destruction (out in December 2020).

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