‘Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse’ Sequel Announced for 2022

Image courtesy of Sony
Image courtesy of Sony

After snagging the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and a general success among comic-adaptation fans and film lovers alike, it was only a matter of time until the makers of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse announced that a sequel was in the works for their highly successful first movie.

Today, director Christopher Miller and other social media accounts associated with Sony Pictures have announced that the sequel will be released on April 8, 2022. That’s still a long way to go for fans who are eagerly waiting to find out what will happen to Miles Morales, Gwen or Peter B. Parker, but it is something to look forward to after the future of the Spider-Universe seemed to be uncertain with the cooperation between Sony and Disney.

Are you just as excited as we are to swing into some new adventures with several Spider-people in the future?

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