‘Arrow’ Season 7 Trailer Released

Who is the new Green Arrow? Credit: CW

Season 7 of Arrow looks to be shaking things up. The Arrow Twitter account released the new trailer for the season and we’ve got a lot of action coming our way. As we know, the season is starting up with Oliver adjusting to life in prison. By “adjusting,” I mean ending up in battles for his life more often than he prefers and visiting the prison infirmary on a consistent basis. The team is still hard at work and Felicity is ready to reign fire and brimstone down on Diaz, the big bad who can’t seem to be caught.

The most interesting piece of the trailer is something Arrow has been teasing us with all summer. We knew there was someone else acting as the Green Arrow, but the assumption was that it was one of the team. This new trailer shows us that the team doesn’t know. So, who is this new player in the Arrowverse? Tune in to The CW on Monday, October 15th at 8/7c and see if you can figure out who the new vigilante on the block could be.

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