
I am a legal secretary from Belgium. When I am not working, I enjoy reading, watching movies and TV shows, travelling to see friends and to go to conventions and trying to get better at photography. My main goal is to pet as many cats as possible. Currently obsessed with Lucifer, Game of Thrones, Star Trek Discovery and the Handmaid's Tale.

Free River Song Story Available on Big Finish

Since the lockdown started, Big Finish has been releasing free downloads each week of audio dramas for a limited time. The free download is...

Ruth Connell to Teach Fans Ballet in New Stageit Show

Our favorite Queen of Hell, Ruth Connell, is back on Stageit for another dance lesson. This time, Ruth will teach attendees the secrets of...

The Eighth Doctor Is Stranded on Earth in New Big Finish Audio Drama

After fighting the Daleks, the Ravenous, and the Weeping Angels, The Doctor is facing his worst fear: being stranded on Earth in London 2020....

Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones Fight Aliens at The Opera in ‘Torchwood: Dinner and a Show’

Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones are back for a new adventure in Big Finish's Torchwood: Monthly Range! Naoko Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd reprise their roles...

Rory Williams Is Back in Big Finish’s ‘The Lone Centurion’

Rory Williams is back! The Eleventh Doctor's companion and husband of Amy Pond served as guardian of the Pandorica for nearly two thousand years. It...

Big Finish Releases New Information on ‘The Robots Volume 2’

Big Finish has revealed new information about the second volume of The Robots featuring Liv Chenka (played by Nicola Walker) and her sister Tula...