
Kayla has been with Nerds and Beyond since 2016 when she decided to combine her love of fandoms and writing. She enjoys all things Marvel, gaming, reading, traveling, going to conventions and concerts. When not writing, she can usually be found in front of the TV enjoying her favorite shows and trying to make a dent in her every growing 'to watch list', behind a camera lens, or on Twitter yelling about her love for Bucky Barnes.

Interview: Adam Rose About Vlogging, Cons and More! [EXCLUSIVE]

Recently, we talked with Adam Rose about his YouTube channel, Supernatural, conventions, and more. Adam has quite the resume - notably Max in Veronica Mars...

Supernatural: Why We Were Disappointed with the Latest Episode

Supernatural is my favorite show. Hands down. It has stood the test of time, it has survived the writer strikes and it's survived network...

Happy Birthday Sam Winchester – Our Favorite Sam Winchester Moments

It's not often that a character finds their way into our hearts quite the way Sam Winchester has over the years - but thanks...

“Supernatural”: Our Favorite Episodes of Season 12 So Far

Over halfway through its twelfth season, Supernatural continues to churn out fresh plot lines, new monsters, and when you thought the Winchesters couldn't go...

Creation Stands Set to Launch New Wayward Campaign with Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster

Supernatural's Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster have partnered up once more with Creation Stands to support yet another amazing charity. Most of their previous...

REVIEW: “Kings of Con” – Episode 10 – Arlington, VA

It's hard to believe Season 1 of Kings of Con ended a week ago, but it sure concluded on an incredible note. Along with...