‘Superman & Lois’ Season 2, Episode 7 “Anti-Hero” Recap

Shane Harvey/The CW

In this episode of Superman & Lois, Jon gets caught and Anderson finally snaps. Keep reading for everything that goes down in season 2, episode 7 “Anti-Hero.”

Superman’s in Trouble

Shane Harvey/The CW

Superman wakes up in a cell next to Tal-Rho who wonders how Superman ended up there. Lieutenant Anderson appears and says they have given him full control. If he tells him where he is, he can go. Superman instead tells him about Ally, but Anderson says it changes nothing.

Once Anderson comes back, Superman still isn’t ready to give up the location. So, Anderson takes matters into his own hands and puts a collar on Tal-Rho. Tal pleads with Clark to make the pain stop and he finally budges, giving him the coordinates to his fortress. Tal knows this and speaks to him in Kryptonian. Clark says it will stall them but Tal notes when they come back Anderson is going to kill him.

An Unwelcomed New Beginning

Sarah helps her mom pack her dad’s things. Lana apologizes because she never wanted her daughters to know what it felt like living in a broken home, coming from one herself.
At school, Sarah denies a phone call from her dad as Jordan comes to check on her. She’s still upset and lashes out a bit on Jordan.

Jon’s Dealings Catch Up

Shane Harvey/The CW

Candice brings Jonathan another supply of the X Kryptonite. Jonathan hands it back to her because he doesn’t want to do it anymore. Just then, the police make their way into the school with drug sniffing dogs to find out if more kids like Timmy are bringing it into the school. Candice panics because she can’t get caught with it, it will ruin her life. So Jonathan grabs it, assuming they won’t check him and he’ll be able to dump it. Until the dogs bark at him.

Lois is losing her mind, and rightfully so. Jonathan tries to calm her down because the sheriff isn’t pressing charges, but she’s worried they may expel him. She sends them to their rooms because she’s had enough disappointment for the day.

Anderson Fights Back

Anderson is desperate to find Bizarro, Tal, and Superman and he’s going to do it. Then, he’s seen opening up the Kryptonite supply containers.

Superman and Tal are with their mom and Bizarro in Tal’s fortress. Suddenly, Anderson appears and fights with Superman and Tal. As he’s about to shoot and kill Superman with the kryptonite bullets, Tal sacrifices himself to protect his brother. Their mother lets Bizarro go to have him help protect her sons. He agrees and fights with Anderson. However, Mitch gains too much strength and crushes Bizarro, killing him. Superman disintegrates the bullet fragments and helps heal him by taking him to the sun. Afterward, Tal appears back in the cell.

Clark’s Return

Shane Harvey/The CW

Clark reunites with Lois at home, looking forward to family dinner. But Lois has to break the unfortunate news to him.

Clark barges into Jon’s room and asks him what he was thinking. He thought he taught them better. Tomorrow, he’s going to apologize to the principal, coach, and the football team. After that, they’re going to have a long chat, so Jon will never misrepresent the family again.

Superman & Lois airs Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Episodes stream the next day on The CW app and cwtv.com.

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