‘Supernatural’ Charlotte Update: Jared and Jensen Updates, Briana Cancels, Tahmoh Penikett & Samantha Smith Added
Another update for Supernatural fans who are headed to Charlotte, North Carolina for Creation Entertainment’s Supernatural convention. Briana Buckmaster is unable to make the convention, however, Tahmoh Penikett and Samantha Smith have been added.
Also, due to scheduling, Jared and Jensen will be doing some of their activities on Saturday! On Saturday, they’ll be doing their solo photo ops and duos with Misha for those with their specific photo op tickets who also have full convention passes and on Sunday, they’ll be doing solo photo ops and duos with Misha for those with their specific photo op tickets who also have Sunday-only admission passes. They will also be doing their 30-minute meet & greets on Saturday, and those who won the bid in the auction are being contacted directly. Their Gold panel, regular Q&A, J2 duo, trio, quad and autographs will all be happening on Sunday.
Tahmoh will be appearing on-stage Saturday and Sunday, taking photo ops and signing autographs for those with his á la carte tickets.
Samantha will be appearing on-stage Friday and Saturday, taking photo ops and signing autographs for those with her a la carte tickets. She will also be co-hosting the PJ Party with Kim Rhodes on Thursday night.
The Supernatural convention is scheduled to land in Charlotte from November 5-7, and will feature Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Rob Benedict, and more.
Information and tickets can be found on Creation’s website.