‘Jake and Chill’ with Jake Abel: More Than Just a Film Screening

Co-Written By: Emmie and Summer.

Conventions at Creation Entertainment are known for being unique in their structure. Con-goers gravitate toward Creation for events that are different from other cons (classes, podcasts, concerts, and witching hours to name a few). Such is no less true for what has truly become a Creation Entertainment “The Road So Far… The Road Ahead” staple: Jake and Chill, with Jake Abel. 

The event, which features a limited amount of people hanging with Jake Abel and watching his short film, started in 2022 and rose to crushing popularity in 2023, selling out time and time again, even when more tickets were listed on-site. 

Taking place perfectly before the weekend’s iconic “Saturday Night Special” at 9 p.m., Jake and Chill generally begins around 7 p.m. on Saturday, though the date and times could change based on schedules. The event usually lasts about an hour, though Jake Abel isn’t exactly one to limit goofing off and having an epic time. 

Jake and Chill has never ceased to provide the right amount of chaos (with at least one or two technical difficulties during setup for good measure). The real magic begins once everyone has taken their seats in front of the flatscreen, waiting until the man, the myth, the legend himself, Jake Abel strides into the room with a charming smile and tangible energy. 

As the audience cheers and chants for his arrival, Jake introduces himself and explains the terms and conditions of Jake and Chill’s proper etiquette. Abel’s vision for this event was to emulate a Rocky Horror live show, where people yell at the screen and interact with the film’s dialogue. No better film could have been created for this exact type of atmosphere than Abel’s very own horror short film: Jake in Quarantine

An entirely self-made production, Jake in Quarantine documents Abel’s unsuspecting quarantine experience in Canada before shooting the final episodes of Supernatural in 2020. Shortly after arriving in his quarantine room, Jake realizes that he may not be alone. Tension in the audience mounts as inexplicable events occur during Abel’s days in confinement. The big question of Jake in Quarantine is, “What is going on here?” and the only answer comes from the film’s climactic ending.  

Often, fans who frequent the event will synchronously recite several iconic lines; a universal favorite being: “Tired of the spookies… tired of the spookies!” Shouting along with Jake during his phone arguments with the front desk to change rooms and sharing skeptical glances at suspicious sounds (i.e. the infamous electric razor) have also been popularized by recurring attendees.

On top of the event’s hilarity, it’s also fascinating in its educational aspects. Jake has spent so many years making his own films and curating stories to tell. He believes in the power of story and relishes in the ability to create content on his own. Following the screening of Jake in Quarantine, Abel answers fan questions about how the short was created. From the logistics of practical effects to the magic of editing software that’s widely accessible, Jake’s discussion of film creation and storytelling turns the daunting hobby of movie and video making into something that anyone can learn and enjoy. His enthusiasm for it is contagious, and attendees leave with new desires and understandings of filmmaking’s inner works.

Filmmaking aside, the versatility of topics discussed during Jake and Chill’s Q&A knows no bounds. Jake is more than willing to answer all kinds of questions thrown at him. Whether someone wants to know how a particular scene was shot, or if he really wears an eye mask to bed is entirely fair game. 

Throughout 2023, Jake and Chill became an entire subcommunity on the Creation Entertainment convention circuit. With fan-made t-shirts and stickers that commemorate the event and hold Jake Abel’s stamp of approval (a high honor, indeed), the event has developed its own cult following of regulars who attend. 

Summer (left) and Emmie (right)

Abel has done something spectacular here. In this event’s creation, he not only solidified himself as a core member of Creation Entertainment’s community, but he has nourished a subcommunity that fans nationwide have come to value and hope for.

Jake and Chill is a safe space for shenanigans and hijinks that feel personal and fun. It’s a safe space for learning – where creatives can discover film creation in a way that’s possible and universal. And finally, it’s a safe space where fans can be themselves without judgment, no matter how weird their actions may be considered elsewhere. Because, no matter what, Jake Abel is far weirder. 

While the current convention lineup does not include Jake Abel or Jake and Chill, we hope that someday soon other fans will be able to experience this incredible event.

Editor’s Update as of 4/18/2024: Jake Abel has been added to a few Creation events in 2024, which includes Jake & Chill, available for $129. Check out Creation’s website for dates and more info.

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