‘DC’s Stargirl’ Recap: Season 2, Episode 2 “Summer School: Chapter Two”


DC’s Stargirl‘s second season is on to the races and summer school has officially started in the second episode. However, with a new hero and a new villain in Blue Valley, this may change things for the JSA.

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Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend

Cindy has proven herself to definitely be a bad guy, or bad girl, and she gets it from her father. And we only see a taste of what she’s capable of when she shows up at home, practically threatening step-mother Bobbie. “You know it’s true what they say, diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” Cindy tells her as she holds up the purple diamond. As Bobbie is cleaning up some glass later on, presumably after getting into a fight with her step-daughter, she hears a voice. “You will never escape her.”

We start to learn more about Bobbie, who is yearning for her old life. While looking at a knife, she sees her old life, smiling, partying. “You want your old life,” Eclipso says. Before she was abducted. “If you want it all back, you have to kill her. Kill your step-daughter.” Bobbie and Cindy get into a fight one night, bringing out the claws. Cindy begs her step-mother to not do it, and Cindy is overtaken by Eclipso, completely absorbing Bobbie into the diamond. Eclipso tells Cindy he can protect her, he got rid of Bobbie. Cindy says she is in control, not him. “I am only here to serve.”

“I didn’t want her dead.”

Eclipso first got teased in the season 1 finale, but it was not known just how much of a part he’d have in the second season considering that he’s trapped. Cindy’s storyline wasn’t too prominent in last week’s premiere so it’s interesting to see that build up into something much more. Just how will this play on throughout the season? It’s clear that Cindy is definitely her father’s daughter, but will Eclipso find his way out and turn his back on Cindy? That is a theory for another day.

A Green Lantern Mystery

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When Green Lantern’s supposed daughter showed up at the end of the season premiere, it was a question of whether or not she was one of the good guys. We find out she had to leave a group home due to her age, but she was given her dad’s ring from child services. Fast forward six days to the present when Jenni arrives in Blue Valley. While Pat is on board and ready to help Jenni master her dad’s glowing ring, Courtney is less than sure. As she told Yolanda, “There’s a history of people in this town not being who they say they are.” Could Courtney just be overreacting? She’s not too thrilled that Jenni blasted her, and then Pat is immediately helping her better understand her powers, but just what is Jenni all about?

Jenni didn’t know who she was, she didn’t have anything growing up. Is Courtney right to question Jenni’s loyalty? Definitely, considering just who lives in Blue Valley. However, it’s revealed that Courtney was just jealous of Jenni and while she’s apologizing, the lantern starts to come to life and Jenni’s upset that Courtney’s telling her she has everything. “I have nothing.” All she wanted was to find her brother, she thought the ring would lead her to him. She throws the lantern, which soon starts to glow, not in a good way.

Pat meets up with the kids in the park and Courtney realizes that Jenni is the lantern, that’s why the ring worked when she put it on. “Because you’re charging it.” Jenni tries to absorb the energy before it explodes, nearly sacrificing herself, but no one leaves. When Jenni absorbs the energy, it still creates a mild explosion, throwing everyone back. And while at first it seems like Jenni is gone, she comes from a green energy in the sky, fully coming into her own as a superhero.

Courtney’s Insecurities Almost Get the Better of Her

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As mentioned above, Courtney starts to grow weary of Jenni and the JSA, as she soon starts to feel isolated from the team, and even her own family. While at summer school, Courtney greatly shares with Yolanda her feelings about Jenni, though Yolanda doesn’t exactly listen to her. When Jenni is introduced to the team, Courtney is less than thrilled. She blows up on her, ending training a little early.

Later on, Courtney and Pat watch Jenni and the others hit it off. Courtney still doesn’t trust her, but she admits that she’s perfect and she’s a superhero’s daughter, for real. Still not over the fact that she’s not really Starman’s daughter, Courtney feels like a fraud around Jenni. The only reason she’s acting this way is because she wants what Jenni has, what Rick has. “She’s everything I should be.” “She’s everything you were,” Pat tells her. Jenni is simply trying to know more about her father, just like Courtney.

Courtney apologizes to Jenni, and after she nearly sacrifices herself, Courtney realizes just how wrong she was about her. It’s not surprising that Courtney is on the fence about a potential new member, but it raises the question of what could happen if the JSA gets more new members? Courtney saw a lot of herself in Jenni, which is why she was acting like that. It’s just great to know that she’s on her side.

What Is Going on In the Woods?

Blue Valley is one town where you do not want to be in the woods alone, and because of one phone call, Rick may have been saved from getting killed by an unknown creature. As he’s leaving in his car, some type of beast is watching him. But just who, or what, could this creature be?

It’s hard to tell but this just means that it’s likely going to be a big part of this season. Let’s just hope it doesn’t cause trouble for any of the JSA.

The Last of the ISA

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Barbara meets with someone new at work, who goes by the name of Richard Swift. He’s a collector, or so he says. He brings up William Zarick’s stage magic and his props. Right away, Barbara can sense that something is off with Richard Swift, and frankly, so can I. Pat checks out Richard Swift at a diner, following Barbara’s concerned call. He doesn’t get to spend too much time with him, however, since the JSA is seen outside the diner with the lantern.

Back at home, Pat is looking through old files and pictures, and Courtney comes down to the basement. He tells her that there’s one last villain, the Shade, from a while ago.

“He’s bad news. And he’s the last member of the Injustice Society that’s unaccounted for. And I think he’s in Blue Valley.”

Courtney is immediately on board and goes straight for her staff. It’s obvious that from the second Richard Swift pulls up, he’s bad news. It’s a good thing Barbara had a feeling and called Pat. He is most likely the Shade, but the question is just what is his deal? He is not good news but what is he all about? This could mean that this is only the beginning for the JSA, and what happened last season was child’s play. Between the Shade and Eclipso, or rather, Cindy, the Justice Society will not be playing around.

What are your thoughts on this week’s episode? Comment down below and watch DC’s Stargirl on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT on The CW!

Megan has been passionate about writing since she was little and has been passionate about all things pop culture and nerdy since almost as long. Joining Nerds and Beyond in 2019, she also graduated from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Journalism. Megan is constantly binge-watching shows and finding new things to obsess over. 9-1-1 and Marvel currently reign as the top obsessions. You can find her on Twitter @marvels911s if you ever want to discuss some certain firefighters.

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