Scylla Misses Raelle in New ‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ Season 2, Episode 4 “Not Our Daughters” Clip

Freeform/Jeff Petry

We only hope that this latest clip gives us a little bit of foreshadowing for what’s to come in episode 4 of Motherland: Fort Salem. Anacostia and Scylla follow a new target, but while they sit in the car, Scylla stares at a picture of Raelle. Clearly missing her, she asks Anacostia how Raelle is doing but Anacostia reminds her to keep her head on the mission. With no answers, she tucks the photo away and prepares to follow their target into what looks like a protest rally. Check out the clip below.

Given the previous promo, there could be a chance of a face-to-face between Scylla and Raelle for the first time since their agonizing goodbye in season 1! “Not Our Daughters” will air Tuesday, July 13 on Freeform.

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