The Tenth Doctor and River Song Are Reunited in New Big Finish Stories


The Tenth Doctor and River Song are finally reunited in Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and River Song, out today!
For the first time since their first encounter, in season 2, episode 4 written by Steven Moffat Silence in the Library/The Forest of the Dead, The Doctor and the archaeologist are teaming up for more adventures:
The Doctor knows that River Song is a part of his future. A maddening, intriguing, but inevitable part. Their lives are becoming inextricably intertwined, but in these early days – for the Doctor at least – they must navigate their relationship without too many spoilers. Whatever her past, and the Doctor’s future, holds, River will make sure that he has fun untangling the mystery…
The new stories were recorded during lockdown.

David Tennant and Alex Kingston are back as The Doctor and River Song, but The Tenth Doctor is not the only Time Lord back for these new wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey adventures. Peter Davison (The Fifth Doctor) and Colin Baker (The Sixth Doctor) will also make a guest appearance. Anjli Mohindra, Joe Sims, Joe Jameson, Barnaby Kay, Mina Anwar, Sam Benjamin, Emma Swan, and Tim Bentinck complete the cast of the audio drama. 

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and River Song is composed of three stories. The box set is directed by Nicholas Briggs and produced by David Richardson. You can read the synopsis below:

“Expiry Dating” by James Goss

The first time the Doctor met River Song, he saw her die. And now she’s asking him on a date. Well, not a date, exactly… More of a mission. But the Doctor isn’t at anyone’s beck and call. Or so he thinks. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, can the Doctor afford not to do whatever River wants? Whichever one of him she asks?

“Precious Annihilation” by Lizzie Hopley

When jewels become lethal in the London of 1912, both River and the Doctor turn up to find out why. A mystery takes them centuries into the past, and onto the high seas, where a superstitious crew edges towards mutiny. The star-crossed couple are about to find out that, while gemstones inspire jealousy, love can be the deadliest treasure of all…

“Ghosts” by Jonathan Morris

River and the Doctor meet on the most haunted planet in the galaxy. The Doctor’s not sure it’s an ideal date – until they discover a mystery. Something is wrong with the ghosts. Something might even be killing them… And as the Doctor and River investigate, the truth of what’s happening on the planet of ghosts may prove deadly for them both.

Alex Kingston said:

“I thought that it was a lovely, sad, encapsulated story arc, where she sacrifices herself and you never really fully get to know what happened between them.  “It never occurred to me that it was going to go further than that. My library is getting bigger and bigger by the year. And that is not a euphemism.”

David Tennant added:

“What’s fascinating about this relationship is that they’re both at different stages of it and my Doctor is baffled by her. And doesn’t understand why she’s being so flirty. It doesn’t really compute. Over the course of these three stories he certainly softens towards her ways. It’s an interesting thing to play. How wonderful that it’s possible and what a treat that we can still tell these stories.”

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and River Song is available to purchase as a collector’s edition four-disc CD box set or as a download from the Big Finish website. Each story can also be bought separately.

I am a legal secretary from Belgium. When I am not working, I enjoy reading, watching movies and TV shows, travelling to see friends and to go to conventions and trying to get better at photography. My main goal is to pet as many cats as possible. Currently obsessed with Lucifer, Game of Thrones, Star Trek Discovery and the Handmaid's Tale.

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