Interview: Kim Rhodes Shares What ‘Supernatural’ Means to Her [EXCLUSIVE]

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Liz Larson.

As a celebration of the end of 15 years of Supernatural, we had originally planned a big project to launch with the end of the series. However, due to COVID-19 and the shutdown of productions, the finale date was pushed back (to what we now know is tentatively in the fall).

We still wanted to celebrate May 18, the original date of the finale, as well as share a few interviews we had planned to launch at the time of the series ending.

The interview with Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody) is below, as Kim talks about Supernatural and what it means to her. Read on below!

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Kayla.

Nerds and Beyond: Can you tell us how you got involved with Supernatural? Did you audition, were you approached, etc?

Kim Rhodes: Jody was just a guest star of the week. The audition was pretty intense, where I find my zombie son eating my husband’s innards, ya know, as they do. I knew I had to commit fully and, fortunately, that’s one of my sweet spot. The committing. Not the zombie child dad eating.

Nerds and Beyond: Is there a particular episode or season that you most enjoyed working on/being a part of/filming?

Kim: I’d be lying if I didn’t say “Wayward Sisters” wasn’t a lifetime highlight, but honestly, I will always love the writing Robert Berens did in “Alex Annie Alexis Ann.” That was really when Jody went from a script function to a fully-fleshed character. I loved that.

Nerds and Beyond: What is one of your favorite memories from set, or a memory from an event you attended because of Supernatural?

Kim: Briana Buckmaster, having just met me, apologizing for swearing a lot. And the ensuing magical friendship that emerged.

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Anna.

Nerds and Beyond: How has being a part of Supernatural changed or affected your life?

Kim: Look, there aren’t words good enough, big enough, joyous enough, or momentous enough. It’s given me everything and made me someone I want to be in a way I can’t verbally express. So here’s an interpretive dance.

Nerds and Beyond: At the end of it all, when it’s all said and done – what do you want the Supernatural legacy to be?

Kim: How to find family in this world.

Nerds and Beyond: What is something that working on Supernatural has taught you?

Kim: The fandom has opened my mind about seeing people for who they are instead of who I judge them to be. They’ve also insisted I recognize and own who I want to see myself as, and become that person.

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Kayla.

Nerds and Beyond: If you had to describe your time on Supernatural in one word, what would it be?

Kim: Home.

Nerds and Beyond: The fandom is a big part of why Supernatural has been so successful. If you had to say something to them, what would it be?

Kim: I see you, I love you, I thank you.

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