‘Supernatural’ Cast and Crew Hold Picket Event for SAG and WGA Strike

SAG (Screen Actors Guild) and WGA (Writers Guild of America) are currently on strike, fighting for better conditions from the AMPTP. These include better residuals for streaming, limiting the use of one’s image with AI, and more.
Eric Kripke, the creator of Supernatural, put out a call for the cast, writers, crew, and fans to come together to picket and support the strikes, taking place on August 31 at Warner Brothers Studios in California.
After signing up on-site, you could snag a shirt and then make your way over to pick out a sign that had enough space on one side to write your own sayings. Some fans brought witty signs, with Supernatural references, they made at home.
With the picket sign in hand, you then proceeded across the street, expertly guided by volunteer crossing guards to the shady side of the street where cheers and horn beeps awaited you as you walked alongside other fans, cast, and crew.
There were people ready with drinks, snacks, and even spray bottles along the picket line. Kripke sponsored a “Pie ‘N Burger” food truck (a Dean Winchester specialty), and fans even rallied together to donate money to buy food and items for the picket.
Many happy reunions were had amongst the cast, writers, and crew who hadn’t seen each other in years (especially since the show ended during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic). Everyone had a chance to catch up on hugs and laughs and mingled amongst the fans who came to say hi and walk the picket line in support while hanging out under a grassy tent-covered spot providing a bit of shade from the California sun.
At one point, everyone gathered for a big group photo before realizing Felicia Day had wandered off. Cries and chants of, “Where’s Felicia?” rang out — the loudest from Misha Collins — until she was spotted heading back their way and cheers rang out.
The event was a huge success, with fans, cast, crew, and writers all gathering to support the WGA and SAG.
Want to help? You can donate here: entertainmentcommunity.org
See photos from the picket from our staff photographer, Jeannine, below.