Chris Evans Reveals His Website A Starting Point’s Release

Image courtesy of ‘Knives Out’

Chris Evans is no stranger to politics. His Twitter holds a delicate balance of criticism of our current political climate and pictures of his rescue dog, Dodger, that he adopted on the set of his 2017 film Gifted. He maintains that harmony, hoping to make his statements more poignant and less white noise, and because well, Dodger is awesome. However, Evans’ concern for getting citizens and voters correct, succinct information has outgrown what Twitter can provide, so he’s moving up.

Back in April, it was revealed by CNN that Evans was working on a new website called A Starting Point. The goal of the site is simple — get information to voters from the sources themselves instead of the media. He’s made numerous visits to Washington D.C. throughout 2019 interviewing our elected officials and the rules were simple. A list of relevant issues were distributed and each politician could choose as many or as few as they wanted (or to forego it altogether) to address in a simple, concise one-minute statement on where they stood, and what changes they envisioned for each particular subject. Issues such as gun control, climate change, the effects of the current world on the LGBTQ community, net neutrality, education … you name it. If it’s something that’s current to the political climate, he offered them a chance to give their take on it.

In his press junkets for his upcoming film Knives Out, outlet Extra Butter asked Evans about the site, and he revealed that it would be rolling out in March 2020.

“Yeah sure, anyone who’s in public office, anyone who’s voted into a position to exact change in terms of policy, yeah, we’re looking to speak to you,” Evans replied when asked if the site would be branching into state officials as well, “It’s tough going right now just because I think a lot of people are unsure as to the nature of the site, the agenda, the motive, everyone wants to play it safe. But I think once we roll out in March and kind of show our integrity and lack of duplicity — we’re not trying to eviscerate anybody — hopefully that proves out worth and value so next year we can get even more people involved.”

With Captain America now behind him, Chris Evans is making the most of the platform he’s been given. You can keep up-to-date with Evans and his projects (and Dodger) by following him on Twitter. His newest film Knives Out, from director/writer Rian Johnson, is out on November 27.

You can watch the interview from Extra Butter below!

Edit January 28: Evans has confirmed March 15, 2020!

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