‘Mayans M.C.’ Season Two, Episode Eight Recap: “Kukulkan”

Alright prospects, this episode is gearing fans up for next week’s penultimate episode. We are close to the finish line of season two, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Mainly, will everyone survive?

If you have not seen the episode, there will be spoilers beyond this point.

The club is at the table talking about a meeting, mentioning that the Sons of Anarchy will be there. Afterwards, EZ tells Angel about what happened when he went to speak with Emily. Both of their phones go off, meaning one thing — Potter wants to see them. The brothers go to the meeting spot. Potter threatens to have their father deported. Angel, who is worried about not knowing where Adelita and his unborn child are, goes off and advances on Potter, but EZ stops him. Potter yells that he wants to know all the puzzle pieces with proof, or he will call ICE to have Felipe deported, mentioning that we all know what happens to people when they go in one. They have a few days to decide.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

As the Mayans are on the road to Flying Serpent Lodge, there is a murder of crows flying high above them. We have got to love Kurt Sutter and his symbolism in his shows. The Sons that show up to the lodge for the sit down are Chibs (Tommy Flanagan), Happy (David Labrava), Quinn (Rusty Coones), and Montez (Jacob Vargas). The sit down is about the transition our of guns for the Sons. The port that they use is closing down. They have one more shipment coming then it will be going to the port in Mexico. This means the Vatos Malditos club will be involved and are on their way to the sit-down.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

The few Mayans that have an issue with EZ, because of him being the one that found the member who was stealing drugs, try to mess with him again. Coco and Riz are outside and come over, telling them to back off. Coco gets pushed, so he looks at EZ, saying, “Prospect, do me a favor. Fuck this bitch up.” EZ swiftly turns around and head butts the guy, who then falls hard. In the two against one fight, EZ manages only to get punched once by them. When it’s over, EZ thanks Coco, saying that he needed that.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

The Vatos Malditos arrive, and the clubs sit down with Chibs at the head of the table. The president of the VM asks about restitution for his nine dead members. A price gets offered from the gun money, and eventually they come to an understanding. But there is still a lot of tension and bad blood between the VM’s and Mayans.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Dita goes to the roof for another “therapy” session with Felipe. She tells him that she loved him and knows that he loved her before he met Marisol, which hurt her. Dita wants Felipe to promise not to ever tell Miguel about his true parentage. He agrees, they hug, and Dita leaves.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Emily is back in the family’s storage unit, looking for information on the accounts that EZ gave her. She finds the three payments in the home bills receipts book, proving that the Galindos are the ones that ordered the hit on EZ and Angel’s parents. EZ calls Emily to see if she found anything and the two gather behind a nail salon. She presses him about why he wants the information and what it means. EZ tells her everything, they argue about if it could be true when EZ brings up their past, and then she slaps him. Without telling him if she found anything, Emily leaves saying he is wrong, and she will prove it. Later she goes back to the storage to see proof that her family is not involved, but ends up finding that Dita signed all three payments.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

In the car ride home, Dita asks Emily if she found what she was trying to find. Emily mentions seeing some old bills from ten years ago that piqued her curiosity. Dita tells her that the answers she wants are all dead and buried. Instead of going inside the house, Emily asks to go to town.

Emily goes to see Felipe at the butcher shop. Poor Felipe cannot escape Galindo women. She brings in the envelope and tells him everything and what she found out, asking him what to do. He tells her to give him a few days so he can think and make sure both families are safe. Miguel pulls up — Nestor called telling him where Emily is, and Miguel is not impressed.

After trying to call Emily again, EZ walks in right as the black van that appeared earlier pulls up, throwing a Molotov cocktail on some of the bikes. The Mayans are suddenly surrounded by the VM, who open fire seeking revenge. When the VM drive off, we see that Riz has been shot a few times in the chest, and Coco, having got set on fire, says he can’t see.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Watch the preview for next week’s episode below!

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