‘Mayans M.C.’ Season Two, Episode Seven Recap: “Tohil”

This week saw the Mayans M.C. cleaning up an issue that appeared in their territory when they were busy with the Cartel and everything that came with that. A rival motorcycle club has gotten into human trafficking, and the Mayans aren’t going to let that go.

If you have not seen the episode, there will be spoilers beyond this point.

EZ wakes up in his trailer from a bad dream, as he gets ready for the day his phone rings. Caller ID says E.T, no not that ET, it’s Emily calling him most likely to see how it went with Marlin, EZ ignores her call. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Angel goes to see his dad and tells him that he is going to be a father. With tears in his eyes, he says the mother’s name is Luisa, also known as Adelita, but that Potter has her locked up somewhere. His dad looks to him and asks if it is Luisa Espina. Confused as to how his dad knows her full name, he asks how he knows her. Felipe sighs and tells his son that there is not a lot they know about his past. Angel mentions the name, Ignacio. Felipe tells Angel a bit about his past life as Ignacio and that Adelita’s father was her partner when they worked with the Galindo Cartel. He then reminds Angel that Potter has a weakness and like everyone, makes mistakes. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Coco and Letty have breakfast outside together when he hears a noise inside. Going in, he sees a young woman; Letty introduces him to Gabby, a friend from school. Coco comes back, pointing out that she doesn’t have any friends. Gaby tells him that some people have her mother and brother because they couldn’t pay the full amount to them for getting them across the border. Letty went with her to the drop to help and used her tuition to help, but the men wanted more. When Letty told them that her father was a Mayan, they laughed and hurt her. When Coco asked who they were, she tells him it was another motorcycle club. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Coco takes the information to the rest of the club and tells them about the other club that has crossed into Mayan’s territory and what they are doing. Taza explains to the club that before he was a Mayan, he patched Vatos but got out when he learned of the human trafficking. They meet up with Louie to find out where the people kept. The first place Louie takes them, he says bikers have been coming and going regularly. When they get to the house, there are Vespas everywhere. They check local take out for large deliveries since it would be a lot of people to feed. They find a Chinese place and take an order to the address. When they open the door, the club kicks the door in and begins shooting everyone inside. They find locked room doors with people kept inside, but Gabriela’s mother and brother aren’t there. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

EZ meets Gabriela, and the two seem to hit it off and even flirt. It is nice to see EZ have a smile on his face, and for it to not be because of Emily. Throughout the episode, he has been ignoring each call Emily makes. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

At the warehouse, they see the other people in cages, the club gets as prepared as they can, “Prep for an army, pray for a squad.” Bishop feels responsible since the trafficking was happening in his backyard, and they were so wrapped up with the Cartel that they forgot about the town. With Angel and EZ, Bishop tells them,

You know what separates us from all the other scumbags. Gives us the courage to look in the mirror. This fuckin’ piece of leather, the history that hangs on it. It means I’ve earned the respect of men, men I love, men I’d die for, me who’d die for me. The money and weight, it cant lead. We have to serve something greater.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

They barge into the warehouse when the Vatos are about to set a fire and let the remaining people burn. The Mayans save everyone and find Gabriela’s mother and brother. The family gets reunited back at the clubhouse where Gabriela thanks the men for rescuing her family. Even Coco and Letty have a sweet father-daughter moment.

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Emily finds out that Marlin is dead and that it was a suicide. The mayor calls in Emily and Miguel to her office to tell them about Marlin, and that before he killed himself, he sent an email confessing to taking money. It is not official yet, but they will be announcing that their bid is the winning bid. The whole time the mayor is talking about the unfortunate outcome, Miguel is side-eyeing Emily suspiciously. It is obvious to tell that even the mayor doesn’t think it was a suicide and that the Galindos had something to do with it. Outside the building, Miguel stops and asks his wife if there is anything he needs to know. Emily lies to him, saying no. In his car, Miguel asks Nestor to keep him updated on when and where his wife goes 24/7. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

EZ finally takes one of Emily’s calls and meets at the municipal office after Emily told her husband she was going to meet with Ileana. EZ was dodging her calls because he didn’t know what to say to her. She seems upset and hugs him says if there is anything she could do for him or his family, she will and starts to walk away. EZ calls out to her and pulls out the envelope that has the money transactions on them and says that she may be able to help to tell her it’s a family thing. 

Courtesy of ‘Mayans M.C.’

Watch the promo for next week’s episode below, and keep your eye out for some familiar faces. 

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