Margot Robbie Cast as “Barbie”

Courtesy of Margot Robbie on Instagram

Warner Brothers have reached a deal with Mattel to start working on a live-action movie of Barbie. Along with her company LuckyChap Entertainment producing the film, Margot Robbie (Suicide Squad, The Legend of Tarzan) will portray the iconic doll.

Initially, in 2017, Amy Schumer (Trainwreck, Snatched) was going to star in the role but had left the project over scheduling conflicts.

The film was originally going to be about Barbie was not living up to the perfect standards of ‘Barbieland’, and she has been sent to the real world. It is unknown if that will be the direction the film will still take with the new casting.

What are your thoughts on the casting? Let us know in the comments below.

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