Fan Led Supernatural Fleet Re-Opens July 20-24

Supernatural has inspired many fan based groups including the Supernatural Fleet which is based on the idea that we are all “Hunters” struggling with personal demons. As they say on their website:

You are a Hunter.

Sam and Dean Winchester hunt ghosts, demons, and monsters.

You hunt depression. You hunt sickness. You hunt eating disorders. You hunt hunger. You hunt abuse. You hunt loneliness. You hunt discouragement. You hunt heartbreak. You hunt suicide. You hunt lousy days.

You are part of the Supernatural family of Hunters. In this wonderfully crazy family, you are important, needed, and unconditionally loved.

Imagine an endless line of sweet old cars following the Winchester Impala to the horizon, a fleet of Hunters who ride in different cars, but all in the same direction. This is the Supernatural Fleet. It is full of resources, support, and community for you—all freely given, because you are family, and that is what family does.

Supernatural Fleet contains three main categories.

  • “Hunts” which highlight that no matter how “impressive” or “insignificant” a persons troubles seem, everyone deserves support. This is where individuals can share their personal struggles
  • Hunter Kits sent to everyone who joins the Fleet which include stickers and an encouraging note and Care Packages which contain a Hunter Snapshot “a drawing of you hunting with the Winchesters and will be based off the description you write when you submit your hunt” as well as a personal note from Sam or Dean, and a flannel hankie.
  • “Call Bobby” which currently provides resources for 75+ “Monsters” people face. In addition each Monster is introduced by Bobby (With no lack of “idjit”s)


In the past 6 months the fleet has had to respond to growing from a few hundred to a few thousand members. While the Fleet has done an excellent job keeping members informed about delays, dealing with such a scale has meant that they had to close the fleet to new members as they slowly caught up with the backlog. So take advantage of the opportunity to join between July 20th and July 24th!

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