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Matthew Lewis Launches “Started From the Bottom” T-Shirt Campaign


Matthew Lewis, most known for his role as Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter films, has launched a t-shirt campaign through Represent.com.

The shirt has a picture of Matthew in character as Neville, with the phrase, “Started from the Bottom.” It’s also available in a hoddie, tank and sweatshirt. A portion of the proceeds will go to Children’s Charities.

The campaign is only available for two weeks – until December 15.

Check out the campaign here!

Trailer Released for LEGO Disney ‘Frozen Northern Lights’


The trailer for LEGO Disney Frozen Northern Lights has been released ! it will premiere on December 9 on The Disney Channel!

Watch the trailer below:

The Trailer for Season 2 of ‘Con Man’ Released – Premiering December 8!


The trailer for the second season of Con Man has been released! The show, which streams on Comic-Con HQ, will premiere on December 8!

The second season will have a ton of cameos, including one from Stan Lee!

Here’s more about the second season, courtesy of Comic-Con HQ:

Season 2 of CON MAN finds Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) determined to usher in Spectrum: The Movie in order to reignite his fading star-power. However, Jack hits a speedbump when Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk) refuses to climb back into the Spectrum cockpit, fearing he’ll never break out of his pigeonhole as a character actor. Jack offers to get Wray an audition for this fall’s hottest new show: Doctor Cop Lawyer.

‘Kings of Con’, ‘Supernatural’, & ‘Louden Swain’ Fandom Artist: Angèle Desjardins

Hi friends, you’re in luck! Nerds and Beyond is highlighting two artists this week. We were inspired to interview Angèle after her art was featured during Kings of Conversation (the after-show for the new Comic-ConHQ series Kings of Con). We discovered that Angèle does art for various fandoms. One of her shirt designs is actually being used by Louden Swain for their official merchandising! Her designs are always topical, witty, and playful. In addition to fandom art, she also does video game art!

Courtesy of Angèle
Courtesy of Angèle

She was kind enough to answer a few of our questions:

Angèle Desjardins

What Fandom(s) do you create art for?

Supernatural, Kings of Con, and Louden Swain

How did you start working on fandom art?

I’ve been drawing fanart since I was a kid watching Pokemon and Sailor Moon. I got really back into it when I got hooked on Supernatural though. It’s fun to play in that world, to transform those characters into something else. Like making Sam, Dean and Cas look like they belong in a saturday morning cartoon.  

Do you have a favorite piece or project that you’ve created?

My favorite has to be a T shirt design that I made for fun that Louden Swain actually saw and liked and bought to use on their merch. It’s a pretty amazing feeling to see all my fellow swainers wearing it!

What does your creative process look like?

It looks like a folder on my laptop filled with sketches of half baked ideas and a lot of coffee. It’s me perched on a chair over my tablet drawing whatever makes me laugh or makes me happy while I watch convention videos on youtube.

What’s one of your favorite episodes of Supernatural? What is one of your favorite Louden Swain songs?

Don’t call me Shurley is my favorite. I loved that most of the episode was Chuck and Metatron just talking. I was really hyped for Chuck’s return and the whole God reveal and it was perfect. The song at the end gives me chills every time I watch it.

My favorite Louden Swain song right now is one of their new ones, Over before it began, I’ve been listening to it non stop and I can’t wait for the album.

Do you have any projects that you haven’t yet been able to tackle but that you hope to work on one day?

I went to school for animation so I’d like to do some animated Kings of Con fanart, that’d be fun!

Is there anything challenging about being a fandom artist?

I think the hardest thing is not comparing yourself to other fandom artists. It’s hard not to when you’re drawing the same characters or people but there’s room and love enough for everyone here.

Are there any fandom artists that you especially admire?

There are so many! @scoutstiel (one of our previously featured artists!) and @house_of_darkly make such amazing stuff!   

Is there a cast member or performer that inspires you?

Definitely Richard Speight, Jr. and Rob Benedict. They’re just amazing and hilarious. I’m going full fangirl now but everything they do is so fascinating to watch. Their comedy on stage during their convention panels, their show, Rob’s music. They make me laugh, they bring me joy and it makes me want to make things.

What’s one tip you would give to anyone who is considering creating fandom art that they can market and sell?

I’m not sure I have any tips for that. I just make whatever makes me happy and hope others will like it too. It’s hard to predict what other people will respond to. The things that I’ve made that have gotten the most attention are usually the funnier ones that I made half as a joke for my own amusement. What’s gotten the most attention was a parody of The Last Supper based on a bit Richard Speight Jr did at a con where he started his own church/cult.

Is there anything else you want to share with our readers?

Don’t let anyone tell you your fanart “doesn’t count” as art, transformative works have value!

Where can we find your art?

I tweet art every so often, i’m @pineapples786 and I’ve got a redbubble shop


In non fandom, I’ve worked on video games as an artist, the latest of which is Starwhal where I painted spacey landscapes for neon narwhals to battle in.

If you have suggestions for future fandom artists you would like for us to consider featuring, email staff@nerdsandbeyond.com.

Jared, Jensen & Misha spread SPN Family Love on Creation Stands

Creation Stands, Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, and Jared Padalecki have teased us mercilessly on Twitter and Facebook with a mystery campaign the past few days.

courtesy of Creation Stands
courtesy of Creation Stands

Their new, joint J2M shirt campaign was finally revealed Thursday afternoon with a video of Jared, Jensen and Misha wearing the campaign’s hoodies! (And being adorkable in general)

Courtesy of yourfavoritedirector
Courtesy of yourfavoritedirector

Along with the campaign is a message of love. Misha posted on Facebook Tuesday that his family had decided to forego personal gifts in favor of donations to charitable works. Along those lines, the new shirt campaign will be using raised funds toward helping children and families in need this holiday season. J2M say they’ve been working on the idea for this campaign all year.

If you want to show your SPN Family Love, you can get your hoodies, t-shirts, and beanies HERE for the next two weeks.

The Trailer for ‘Nashville’ – Now on CMT – Released!


The trailer for the new season of Nashville has been released! The show, which was previously on ABC, was cancelled and then picked up by CMT. New episodes will air starting on Thursday, January 5 on CMT.

Watch the trailer for the new season below!

The Teaser Trailer for ‘The Mummy’ Starring Tom Cruise Released!


The teaser trailer for The Mummy starring Tom Cruise has been released.

Thought safely entombed in a tomb deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient princess (Sofia Boutella of Kingsman: The Secret Service and Star Trek Beyond) whose destiny was unjustly taken from her is awakened in our current day, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension.

Cruise is joined by co-stars Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, Courtney B. Vance and Russell Crowe. The film is set to be released into theaters on June 9, 2017.

Watch the teaser trailer below, and catch the trailer on Sunday!

REVIEW: ‘Kings of Con’ – Episode 4 – ‘Bellevue, WA’


In  episode 4 of Kings of Con, a new member joins the convention circuit.

Kent O’Grady, who is portrayed by Josh Meyers, is a well-dressed, arrogant, British man who joins the gang for his first convention. We find out during breakfast that he has an obsession with potatoes which Rob later made fun of, calling him ‘Kent Au Gratin’ in front of the audience, which Kent takes offense to.

There are two stand-out moments of this episode for us: the warm-ups and the ascot.

During a part when Rob is on stage, Kent’s warm-up sounds are loud and obnoxious, which makes them more funny, especially when they can be heard from the stage.

Kent later calls Rob up to his room and has a breakdown, telling Rob that he’s not really British and is actually from Missouri. This leads into the other stand-out moment, when Kent rubs an ascot all over Rob to get his scent and does the same of himself to give to Rob. The whole scene is awkward and hilarious.

Later, while Rich is in Rob’s room he finds the ascot in the trash, delivering the best quote of the episode, “What is that? No, I know that smell. No, seriously, I recognize this, it smells like a fox hunt.”

Josh Meyers did a great job with the character and we can’t wait to see if he makes an appearance later in the season. Gil McKinney also makes his first appearance in the series, alongside returning guests Kim Rhodes and Kurt Fuller.

The show keeps getting better and better with each episode and it’s definitely becoming one of our favorite shows to watch. If you haven’t watched it yet, make sure to check it out on Comic-Con HQ! Also, make sure to check out Kings of Conversation on Comic-Con HQ, where Rob and Rich host a livestream with special guests, games, and they talk about the episodes, which stream live on Tuesday nights.

Fandom Artist Spotlight: Photos by Stardust & Melancholy

For the next installment of our series featuring fandom artists we spoke with Megan – better known as the brilliant photographer behind Stardust & Melancholy. Megan is an amazing photographer who may be best known for the way she has captured incredible moments at Supernatural conventions over the years. Her work is even featured on the website of the host of the Supernatural conventions Creation Entertainment.

I was lucky enough to talk with Megan a bit about her photography and have she shared some insight as to what goes on behind her lens.

How long have you been doing photography?
I started in high school (a long time ago) and was going to do it in college, but it was too expensive at the time. It was only when I started going to conventions in 2011-2012 that I started doing it again after such a long break, and even then for the first six months it wasn’t serious.

Your photos have become pretty popular-and definitely recognizable-especially within the Supernatural fan base and the Supernatural convention circuit. How did that all start? What originally inspired you to start the con photography?

I feel so shy about all that! I feel like to people it seems like it happened overnight but it really didn’t. I’ve been photographing Supernatural cons since 2012, and there were years when no one paid attention to what I was doing. There weren’t many people photographing cons when I started, and the people who were were so talented and so, so good that I thought I wouldn’t get anywhere. But I didn’t give up, and kept trying to improve and learn as much as I could in between the cons. When I wasn’t physically doing photography I was reading about it, or asking questions, or teaching myself editing.
It’s the one thing in my life that I am resolutely unwilling to give up or compromise on, which I think concerns people sometimes.

At cons what equipment are you usually using?
I’ve been using a Canon 5D MK III for a few years. I have a 70-300mm f4-5.6 which I use at pretty much every convention. I have smaller portrait lenses, but the 70-300mm is the best one I have for cons. Convention lighting is not ideal and it takes quite a lot of experimenting over time to make it work.
There’s always this old-school perception that you should “get it right in camera” but the way you have little to no control over con lighting doesn’t allow that to happen. A huge part of con photography is editing afterwards.

The Supernatural conventions that Creation Entertainment does are typically three days with panels during the days, karaoke Friday night, and the concert on Saturday night. Which of those events are typically your favorite to photograph?

My favorite thing to shoot is definitely the Louden Swain Saturday Night Special. Everything is fun to shoot, but there’s something about the concert that brings out more in the people performing. There’s a vulnerability there that you don’t often see with a panel, or with karaoke where they are just goofing around and having fun. Louden Swain is an incredible band to begin with, but for some reason we’ve just ended up with a cast that is pretty much entirely musically gifted. They all play multiple instruments or sing. But even if they don’t, they feel comfortable enough to try, and I think that’s a huge indication of how supportive the cast and band is of each other but also how supportive and encouraging we are as an audience. There’s a passionate transfer that happens there that you will rarely get anywhere else. It’s honestly something you have to see to believe.

Courtesy of Stardust & Melancholy  Website | Twitter
Courtesy of Stardust & Melancholy

Website | Twitter

We’ve seen you do some fantastic shoots with the Supernatural cast outside of the conventions – Matt Cohen, Tim Omundson, Osric Chau, Misha Collins and most recently Kim Rhodes – just to name a few. Can you tell us a little bit about what it was like to work with the cast? The styles of the shoots were very different and in different settings each time. Do you have a favorite location or shoot that you did with one of the cast? What is your favorite part of working with them away from the con setting? Is there anyone in the Supernatural convention line up you haven’t done a separate shoot with that you’d like to?

I don’t know how that’s come to happen! I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do it. I think it was because I started doing cosplay shoots for Osric Chau. Our first one was in Burbank in 2014, and every con I’ve been to since then in some way I have done a shoot with him, except for this last BurCon in 2016, which made me sad!
A lot of it with the shoots and locations is luck and timing and what people are comfortable with. They are all amazing, encouraging people and very easy to work with. I would work with anyone again, because each time I’m doing it I’m getting a bit more confident so I would be able to do it more justice the next time. I find them all so fascinating and want to show them in the best way that I can. Osric especially has helped me a lot, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that.

The most freaked out one without exception is always me.

Most recently, you did a fierce photo shoot with Kim Rhodes cosplaying Furiosa. Can you tell us a bit about how that collaboration came to life? Was there any particular reason for the choice of Furiosa? What was your favorite part of working with Kim?

That actually just came about because I tweeted I think she would make an amazing Furiosa. I couldn’t believe it hadn’t been thought of or done before? With her look and her attitude it just seemed so natural to me. She responded on Twitter that she would do it, but I thought it was one of those things that we just say on twitter and that it wouldn’t happen because she’s so busy. And I never presume people actually want to do the weird things I think up, I’m always thinking up shoots I would do with this cast.
But she did actually want to do it, which was so cool! I love Kim so much.

If given the opportunity are there any other celebrities that you’d like to work with?
So many! Hugh Dancy, James McAvoy, Gillian Anderson, Mads Mikkelsen, Daniel Radcliffe, Sebastian Stan. Different people for different reasons.

Are there any other photographers who personally inspire you or whose work inspires you?
Again, so many! Christopher Schmelke, Maarten de Boer, Annie Leibovitz, Sarah Dunn, Victoria Will.

Do you have any advice, tips, tricks or words of wisdom for other photographers/aspiring photographers?

Photography is not an easy thing to do, but it’s worth it. I still compare myself to other people, and I still think to myself ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘why aren’t I more like such and such?’, but finding a style and a voice of your own is one of the hardest but most important parts about photography that will make you stand out. It’s the same with all art, if you are true to yourself it will speak to people.
I’ve always felt that if you can still love something even when you hate it, then you should keep doing it. Even when nothing is going right and I’m looking at everything I’ve taken at a con and I want to throw away my camera, I still love photography and don’t want to do anything else. I think I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

Do you have an online store where we can buy your prints?
I’m limited in what I can sell, but I do have some prints for sale on my Society6 store! https://society6.com/stardustandmelancholy

You can see more of Megan’s work on her website, and be sure to follow her on Twitter for her latest pictures!

If you have suggestions for future fandom artists you would like for us to consider featuring, email staff@nerdsandbeyond.com.

New ‘Finding Nemo’ Tsum Tsum Coming in December – Including Darla, Bruce & More!


Disney announced the release of a new Finding Nemo Tsum Tsum Collection! The collection features characters such as Darla, Bruce, Squirt, Sheldon, Pearl, Flo, Gill and Nigel.


The collection is set to be released on December 6. You can find out more by visiting The Disney Store!