Louden Swain Announces Upcoming StageIt Show!

Lindsey DeLuca Photography

Get your Notes ready, because Louden Swain is coming back to StageIt!

Marking their first performance of 2021, Louden Swain has announced that they will be putting on yet another show on the live music streaming platform in just two weeks on Friday, June 25. The performance is set to begin at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST.

The show is in celebration of the upcoming release of their next monthly single “Comeback Kid,” which will land on streaming platforms on the same day. Outside of some solo performances put on by various members of the band, the last time we saw singer Rob Benedict, guitarist Billy Moran, bassist Michael Borja, and drummer Stephen Norton performing together was during their last StageIt performance in November.

Attendees can expect to see the band play all of their new singles, as well as some old school Swain jams.

For those that like perks, the top tipper will receive a $100 gift code for the Louden Swain online merch store. Meanwhile, the top 10 tippers will be invited to an exclusive Zoom encore/Q&A immediately after the show ends. And finally, anyone who tips over 200 Notes will gain access to exclusive behind-the-scenes photos, videos, and interviews with the band.

Tickets are now available!

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