Past and Present Cast and Crew of ‘Supernatural’ Say Farewell on Final Day of Filming

Exclusively photographed for Nerds and Beyond - photographed by Mandi Lea Photography

For 15 years Supernatural has graced our televisions, bringing us Dean and Sam Winchester, Castiel, and countless characters who will remain in the hearts of fans, cast, and crew forever. A fantastic sense of family has grown up around this show as it carried on throughout the years and touched the lives of countless individuals. Today marks the final day of filming for Supernatural and as it comes to a close there has been an outpouring of bittersweet goodbyes from the cast and crew both past and present. Whether they were on the show for the entire 15 years or appeared occasionally throughout these last 15 years, every one of these cast and crew members has worked tirelessly to bring this show to life for the fans. We’ve gathered together their social media posts below and will continue to update it throughout the day as more cast and crew post.


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Woke up at 6am this morning. That alarm went off with a heavy tone. Today is the final day of a 15 year journey. One that has changed my life forever. To those I have worked with on this journey and to those who have watched and supported…you will never understand my great appreciation for you. “Thank you” doesn’t cover it. There just aren’t words. I’m so grateful for these memories that I will carry with me forever. What a ride it has been. And what a run. #spnfamilyforever here are a few shots from our final days…including today. I’ll try and send more later, but in true SPN form…we are in the middle of “nowhere” and have zero service. Go figure. Stay tuned.

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Just feels like the right fit for today.

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You may be shooting your last day…helping to bring Supernatural across the finish line and into television history, but this is not… the End. Supernatural is a show about love, and the love that has been created within the story is eternal. Love between brothers, love between friends, love between co-stars…love for the crew, love for the fans, and love for each other. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this community and those who continue to share their love and talents with us all. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 📸 @arachnobite (Set Dec) and Moira (Costumes) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “For there’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more”

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A couple years later… another dinner scene. When we learned of @clarkb ‘s hollow leg where she apparently stores food. #supernatural

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You’ve seen this. You should see it again. #supernatural

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#ThankYouSupernatural When Supernatural first aired, two major events happened in my life, I met my soon to be wife Michelle and I joined Louden Swain. A couple years after joining the band, we began writing and working on new material for our upcoming album “Eskimo”. During one of those writing sessions, Rob came in with the news that he’d been booked on a TV show. That show was (drum roll) Supernatural. Me being familiar with the show, I was pretty stoked for Rob. How rad, right? The band continued to work on the release of that album which lead to playing more & more shows. One day Rob was asked if the band would perform at one of the Supernatural conventions he was appearing at here in LA. When presented to the band, we were all pretty fired up. I mean after all, this was an opportunity to share our music with an amazing audience. Back home Michelle and I were starting a new family of our own, while simultaneously I was being introduced to the SPN Family. My life was expanding at an overwhelming rate. I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am to be where I am today because of this band, this show, this family. It’s had an everlasting impact on my life that is impossible for me to put into words. I’ve traveled to parts of the world I’ve never in a million years thought I’d see. I’ve been able to share the stage with so many amazing, talented people who have become life long friends. And most of all, I’ve met so many amazing people, who are not only fans of the show, but also amazing supporters of the band and our music. Today marks the last day of production for #Supernatural 15 seasons. Unreal. I am thankful. #ThankYouSupernatural #15Years #Amazing 🙏 ❤️ #Grateful #SPNfamily

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Goodnight… #supernatural #spn #spnfamily #endofanera

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Thank you #supernatural ❤️ Abner out! #spn #spnfamily #spnfandom #supernaturalfamily

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Oldie, but a goodie. These two southern gentleman (they’re almost 57% Canuck now. Shhh!) have been the faces of one of the longest running, and most successful shows in CW history, let alone WB. It’s been a blast sharing the time on screen with them, but even more enjoyable was the years on the road doing Conventions with them. Many a delicious meal, many. Maybe too many delicious libations, laughs and stories, if that’s possible. I look forward to so much more. Congratulations on both of their next chapters, but I’m not sure what more these boys can accomplish after notching the ol “15 seasons” under the belt. #spn #supernatural #supernaturalfamily #rabidfans #cantgetenough #youknowucant #fifteenseasons #damn #welldoneboys #andalltheamazingactors #whowereapart #wheresmisha #hednevertakeaphotowithme #angeljealousy #itsathing #congratsmisha #pleaserunforofficeandsaveus

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Thank you to Supernatural and to everyone of these amazing people for bringing fans this amazing show.

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