How Jason Manns Showed Us The Dance and How To Do It


Richard Speight, Jr. released his debut album last year — The Dance and How to Do It. The album was an absolute hit, jam packed with a variety of covers and some incredible original songs performed by Dick Jr. & the Volunteers. But one question has lingered amid the excitement… what exactly is The Dance and how in the world do you Do It?

For those looking for some clarity, we are gathered here on this fine day to answer this burning question. After conducting a thesis-worthy amount of research, we have come to the conclusion that Speight and company have been showing us what The Dance is all along… you just need to pay attention.

This is the story of how Jason Manns showed us The Dance and how to Do It.

When Rob first informed Jason of The Dance, Jason was completely against it. He was telling the audience, “Absolutely not. No way.”

Courtesy of Staff Writer/Photographer, Natasha.

Rob got really upset about it, and Jason felt bad.

Courtesy of Staff Writer/Photographer, Natasha.

After a night of reflection, Rob and Jason came back. Rob gave Jason a convincing story about why The Dance was so important, and Jason started to open up to the idea of it.

Courtesy of Staff Writer/Photographer, Natasha.

Finally, Jason agreed, and Rob had never been happier.

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

However, Jason’s dance includes doing the absolute bare minimum. He counts..

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

He claps…

He makes really weird faces…

Courtesy of Co-director, Lindsey.
Courtesy of Staff Writer/Photographer, Natasha.

He pretends to fight..

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

He pretends to be scared…

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

Then he pretends to be a ghost…

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

And after all that, he just needs a minute.

Courtesy of Staff Photographer, Mandi.

However, he’s come to love The Dance, and like his volunteer counterparts, he’ll judge you if you don’t join in.

Courtesy of Staff Writer/Photographer, Natasha.

Okay, so you’ve learned the secrets of The Dance … what now? Go listen to The Dance and How to Do It! And to be a true Dance initiate, make sure to order your very own beautiful, glowing, radioactive orange Dick Jr. & the Volunteers t-shirt.

(Also, Happy April Fools, friends.)


Briar is the Editor-in-Chief of Nerds and Beyond. She has been running the site since 2015 with the goal of being a unique, professional news site dedicated to all the things she loved - and providing fans with the best content available. Briar oversees the day-to-day operations and runs all of the social media. She loves all things Disney & Walker. You can follow her @thebriarroseee.

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