Misha & Vicki Collins Featured on an Episode of ‘Whole Mamas’ Podcast

Misha and Vicki Collins stopped by to record an episode of Whole Mamas Podcast, which is out now.

Whole Mamas is hosted by Stephanie Greunke, a registered dietitian, and Dr. Elana Roumell, a naturopathic doctor. They invite guests onto the show to discuss topics such as pregnancy, postpartum, and pediatrics.

In episode #167, Stephanie talks to Misha and Vicki as they discuss their cookbook, The Adventurous Eater’s Club, and how important family meals are for children. They talk about the struggles of introducing healthy foods into a child’s diet and how bringing children into the kitchen invites them to become more adventurous eaters.

You can find out more information about Whole Mamas on their website and stream the podcast episode here. It is also available on iTunes and Spotify.

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