April Video Games to Be Released

Video games are more prominent than ever. 2019 will see long-awaited sequels, reboots, and new series available on multiple platforms. This month in particular will see the return of Mortal Kombat X.
Regardless of the platform you use — Play Station 4 (PS4), Xbox One (XBO), Nintendo Switch (NS), Computer (PC), etc. — there is a game for you to enjoy playing.
To keep track of all the new video games, here is a list of some anticipated video games to be released in April. Included as well are ones that are scheduled to be released this month, but do not have an exact date as of yet.
April 5
Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey (PC)
Players become either hero Sir Lancelot Du Lac or sorceress-turned-dog Morgana Le Fey as they work with Mary Kelly to stop Jack the Ripper.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission (PC, NS)
Take the journey in this new Dragon Ball story. Players can choose characters from the entire series to battle in this arcade-style card game.
April 9
Dangerous Driving (PC, PS4, XBO)
This game allows players to drive like they would if there was no one else on the road by driving fast and running your opponent off the road.
April 10/11
Vaporum (PS4, XBO)
Players can explore a mechanical tower that is stranded at sea while trying to escape danger. Discover what is happening to the tower by fighting, solving puzzles, and finding your true identity.
April 16
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster (XBO, NS)
Final Fantasy X follows the story of blitzball players Tidus and Yuna while they save the world of Spira from destruction. In X-2, it is two years later and Yuna — now a Sphere hunter — tries to get answers with her friends.
World War Z (PC, PS4, XBO)
This is a third-person shooting game that involves fighting off zombies that are taking over the earth. Take your stand with your weapons while cheating death and fighting to survive.
Anno 1800 (PC)
In this story, it is the 19th century and the dawn of the industrial age. Players plan and build their city while dealing with real issues like pollution and work strikes.
April 18
God’s Trigger (PC, PS4, XBO)
What happens when a demon and an angel join forces to fight to get to heaven and stop the apocalypse? Players defeat their enemies by making fast choices using their abilities and weapons.
Our World Is Ended (PS4, NS)
This game follows Judgement 7 (a team of developers working on a game called W.O.R.L.D.). After a test run has gone wrong, Judgment 7 find themselves between fiction and reality.
April 23
Mortal Kombat 11 (PC, PS4, XBO, NS)
In this fighting game, follow Shinnok’s defeat (a corrupted Raiden who wants to protect the Earthrealm by destroying those who go against it.) The keeper of time, Kronika, will do what she can to stop him from messing up the timelines.
April 25
Aggelos (PS4, XBO, NS)
This role-playing game places players in the middle of struggling to survive in another dimension that is about to be invaded.
April 26
Days Gone (PS4)
Hope never dies. Playing as bounty hunter Deacon St. John, you struggle to not only survive but to find a reason to live. While fighting Freakers, drifters, militia, and marauders, Deacon must learn to adapt in his new surroundings
April 30
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age (XBO, NS)
In the land of Ivalice, the empires Archadia and Rozarria are in seemingly endless war. Princess Ashe creates a resistance, where she meets Vaan, and they become allies in their fight.
Dates to be announced
Bus Simulator (PS4, XBO)
Players test their skills driving a bus by speeding and dropping off passengers.
Dauntless (PS4, XBO, NS)
After a cataclysmic event, monsters called Behemoths are hunting down humans. Players become slayers, fighting the monsters and looting to upgrade their weapons and equipment.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (PS4, XBO, NS)
Players can choose between current and past Rangers and villains while testing their fighting skills.
Super Meat Boy Forever (PC, PS4, XBO, NS)
Dr. Fetus has kidnapped Meat Boy and Bandage Girl’s kid Nugget. They must work together to save her.
Which video game are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below!