Fandom Photographer Spotlight: Grace from Grand Desire Photography


Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography

Welcome to another installment of our Fandom Photographer Spotlight! This time, we’re putting the spotlight on Grace from Grand Desire Photography! Check out Grace’s answers and check out her photography below!

Nerds and Beyond: How long have you been doing photography and how did you get started? 

Grace: I’ve always taken photos on my iPhone until Christmas came and I got my Nikon B500 and did my very first shoot in January of 2018. So 8 months and didn’t get my Nikon d750 until about May or June? In a weird time I borrowed my friends Canon T6 to do shoots because I had people asking for photo shoots! I’m a 17 year old in high school so it’s nice to relate to some of the photographers who are older and to have that common ground.

Nerds and Beyond: What fandoms are you most known for photographing?

Grace: I just actually went to my 4th convention (SPN DENVER 2018) and my first convention was SPN 2016 Phoenix. I had no idea I’d be okay at taking photos but I got to Denver and I always see it as a practicing opportunity because you can’t position people. I was told by some one I admire dearly I make do with what I’m given. I didn’t expect the feedback I had on my first convention photos and I’m very grateful.

Nerds and Beyond: What equipment are you usually using?

Grace: I use a Nikon D750 with a 70-300mm VR lens and a NIKKOR 50mm lens!

Nerds and Beyond: Which events are typically your favorite to photograph? 

Grace: I’ve done this for a short amount of time so far, but I love anything, I truly do. I think concerts are about even with portraits. I love portraits because I like helping people feel good about themselves or having photos they like of themselves, especially if it’s a low income family I like being personal and helping others out.

Nerds and Beyond: What would you say right now, is your favorite photo you’ve ever taken?

Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography

Grace: My current photo I’ve ever taken is my most recent one of Chris Schmelke playing bass at the Denver Saturday Night special. Just something about it makes me happy and want to be proud of it.

Nerds and Beyond: If given the opportunity are there any celebrities that you’d like to work with? 

Grace: I’d definitely like to work with Louden Swain just because I’m also a musician and I hold that as it’s always been apart of my life since age four and they understand music isn’t easy.

Nerds and Beyond: Are there any other photographers who personally inspire you or whose work inspires you? 

Grace: God, there’s so many. Liz Larson (Liz Larson Photo), Mandi Lea Photography, Megan(Stardust and Melancholy), Taylor (Light and Grace Photography), Chris Schmelke, and my uncle, who was one who definitely pushed me in a good direction. There’s just so many talented people out there! If I missed some one my brain can only think so far right now!

Nerds and Beyond: Do you have any advice, tips, tricks or words of wisdom for other photographers/aspiring photographers?

Grace: Do NOT be afraid to ask for help, learn to take constructive criticism, and to take compliments. If somebody asks you for help don’t be a jerk about it. Just have fun and experiment. There’s no rule to photography and you just do you. You’ll learn as you go and if you don’t get it right away do NOT stress at all. Just take a breath. I’m still learning too, you’ve got this. If you see me at a con say hello! I do not bite!

Nerds and Beyond: Do you have an online store or website where we can see more of your work?

Grace: I don’t have a website but I have an Instagram of which is where I’m most active.

Instagram: GrandDesirePhotography – Facebook: Grand Desire Photography – Twitter- 

See more of Grace’s work below!

Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Courtesy of Grand Desire Photography
Briar is the Editor-in-Chief of Nerds and Beyond. She has been running the site since 2015 with the goal of being a unique, professional news site dedicated to all the things she loved - and providing fans with the best content available. Briar oversees the day-to-day operations and runs all of the social media. She loves all things Disney & Walker. You can follow her @thebriarroseee.

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