Kings of Con Series: Fans’ Favorite Moments and Why They Love ‘Kings of Con’
Welcome to part 3 of our Kings of Con series! You can read part 1, an introduction to Kings of Con here and part 2, our staff’s favorite moments, here.
In Part 3, we’re showing fan responses! Fans really loved this show, and there was a common theme among the reasons why: the show doesn’t use the fans as the joke. It would be an easy way for laughs, but fans really respected the way Rob/Rich and the entire cast and crew treated the fans with respect and it spoke volumes.
Read through the tweets below to see the fans favorite moments and why they loved the show so much.
Favorite Moments
I love the whole show but the gag reel was the best!
— taryn (@WaywardTaryn) July 2, 2018
The entire episode with Kent O’Grady 😂 Probably my favorite
— jenna 🦋 11 • 59 (@sushiswain) July 2, 2018
So many moments! The photo op scene, when they wake up married, when Richard thinks Rob is dressed under his robe.
— Sarah (@WyldeFandom) July 2, 2018
The entire episode where Rob and Rich wake up married was brilliant.
— em (@invisible_heir) July 2, 2018
“Combo three is a no-go, Rich.” Also anything with Gil McKinney as Chip.
— FandomsAsSocMvmts (@AKNerdFighting) July 2, 2018
I made a shirt for an op with my favorite moment – 1st episode when Rich tells Rob to let him be his mirror 💜
— Shannon Laree / #spnjax (@reelnerdy) July 2, 2018
— finn | 🌲👨👩👧👦 (@againsthewave_) July 2, 2018
Rob refusing to help Rich go to the bathroom. I love me some physical comedy. that whole episode was A+
— finn | 🌲👨👩👧👦 (@againsthewave_) July 2, 2018
Gil saying ‘f*ck’ as he looks up at Cudlitz gets me snort-laughing every time..
— Nancy #WaywardForever (@n_e_davis) July 2, 2018
Musky Ascots
— SJ McQuillan 🤖🌈#WaywardSisters AF (@sjmcQ) July 2, 2018
In seriousness though, I love that it satirizes the circuit without being mean, especially to the fans. It would have been WAY easy to caricature con-goers, and even the celebs.. But they kept it real ‘enough’ that if you’ve gone, you KNOW..
— Nancy #WaywardForever (@n_e_davis) July 2, 2018
When they’re trying to pitch their show idea to Jared and Jensen
— 🌻Paige🌻|30 (@lightinmychest) July 2, 2018
— Sandra 🐳 114|RW #WaywardAF (@poptartswain) July 2, 2018
— Wayward!Jenn | spnnj | spnjax (@womanofletters6) July 2, 2018
this scene and all of @kimrhodes4real‘s lines!
— OUSA | R2M_Anson #SaveWaywardSisters (@anson_rm) July 2, 2018
Talked about this with @jillip68 and the two scenes we both kept coming back to are this one with Rich and Lindsay and the scene where Rich and Rob talk about ending their marriage. For all the laughs @KingsOfCon gave us, it was those gentler moments which really stayed with us.
— Rain ☔ (@WrittenInRain) July 8, 2018
Burnsville, MN … the dialogue in the bathroom scene … Hilarious! We NEED a season 2!
— Jenn (@BlueNurse72) July 2, 2018
Not necessarily a “moment” but I loved that they included the fans without making fun of them
— Amanda Slater (@BandagedLetdown) July 3, 2018
Absolute favorite is when Rob has his meltdown on stage about all cops are a-holes and Rich says I’d like to give a tip of the cap to all law enforcement and Rob says…No I don’t tip my cap…CAPS DOWN! I LAUGH OUT LOUD EVERY TIME! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
— Gabriel Girl_Erika (@erika_spn) July 2, 2018
When Rob was trying to find the right mix of meds to have confidence and the workout montage with Matt and Rich 😂
— STROB (@strob4real) July 2, 2018
When Rob recites Shakespeare at Matt for trying to steal Mandy from him, and when Matt is trying to “help” Rich work out.
— Katie Maie (@katmgc) July 2, 2018
I cant choose, theres so many!
The Rich and Matt workout scene.
Rich and Rob wake up married.
The staybone incident.
Rich vs Mel
Rob and Lyle in the sauna.
Robs “crisis prevention”
All the Kurt fuller scenes.
I love everything about kings of con.— Laura Jayne Giffew ❤ (@lauraJW09) July 2, 2018
When Rich worked out with Matt and can’t move his arms and him and Rob are trying to do the juggling bit 😂🤣 that whole episode had me rolling on the floor #KingsofCon
— Heather C 🏹🖤⚓ (@MovieFreak89) July 2, 2018
I just watched the last #KingsOfConversation again I miss #KingsOfCon so much but I really miss the live show with the BTS & guests. Rob & Rich are so great at improv & comedy! Bathroom scene, anything with @TheKurtFuller, Halloween & of course naked Rob are a few of my favorites
— Amy (@amyabrigg) July 2, 2018
The whole episode about Rob being part of a medical study especially the last scene in Rome. Also Matt coaching Rich.
— Muriel #BuckmasterBegin (@housecatsswain) July 2, 2018
Rob and Rich checking in under their fake names 😂
— WaywardNurseKathie (@NurseKathie) July 2, 2018
Rob singing Danny Boy 😂 🇮🇪
— Sandra 🐳 114|RW #WaywardAF (@poptartswain) July 3, 2018
The episode where Rob is part of a medical study! #ShakespeareBitches #DoubleBoom #Combo3IsNoGoodRich #CopyThatBobbo
— Brittany 👑 (@tasteofmyhominy) July 2, 2018
So many to choose from! Between rob running away naked in the 1st episode to when they accidentally take viagra or when rob becomes a human test kitchen to become a ladies man 😅
— WaywardAF Amanda 🇨🇦🦄 DD+1 (@AmandaC0124) July 3, 2018
This…. just this…..
— Tiffany shope (@Tiffanyshope1) July 3, 2018
That little scream from @dicksp8jr as he falls into the pool.
— Nicole Johnston (@hatter_designs) July 3, 2018
Practically the entire Plano episode, Mary Helen was my favorite one time character. When Kent said ‘blame the musk’, every scene with Chip is hilarious, Kings of Conversation, the band! Every guest actor was perfect for their role, THE FAN ART or fart for short, WWBKD
— nina🌹#WYATR @ zanies🌹 (@ninaluvsruki) July 3, 2018
Every time Rob rolls his eyes at Rich, the fact that Bernie Kopell was on the show, the Halloween episode aired at Christmas time ♡ the fact that everyone on the show are friends ♡♡♡ the friendship part is the best
— nina🌹#WYATR @ zanies🌹 (@ninaluvsruki) July 3, 2018
My favorite Conversation episode
— nina🌹#WYATR @ zanies🌹 (@ninaluvsruki) July 3, 2018
I love everything about @KingsOfCon but the scene that breaks my heart is during the marriage episode when Rich says to Rob “Am I going to die alone?”. That hit a little too close to home. 😢
— Barb!-SPNNash 2019🦋 (@Barb_516) July 3, 2018
The “I’m a cop” part with Rob, the gym scene between Matt and Rich, the birthday party with Rich, Chip (Gil) and Mal (Michael Cudlitz), Rob and Rich waking up together in Vegas… and so many more! Just… the whole show okay?! 😂😂
— Rosh Shipstone (@RoshShippy) July 2, 2018
1: Anytime @mattcohen4real was on the screen acting like a a^*hole cuz total opposite of him in real life.
2: Also, knowing how many takes it took @RobBenedict to do the kissing scene with Mandy, those scenes make me laugh
3: Matt coaching Rich to work out— rae ann asselin (@ragell) July 2, 2018
I love the episode where Rob is part of the drug study and tries to recreate the combination that made him feel so confident. Hearing each combo he tries makes me laugh.
— Emily #SaveWaywardSisters (@emmylbrown) July 3, 2018
Any time Matt is on screen being a total jerk. It makes me laugh because it’s the complete opposite of what he is like in real life.
— Jennifer MacDonald ~ ChiCon time! (@macd1982) July 2, 2018
Rob’s “cops are a-holes” bit because I was at the con that inspired that.
— paula | 88 (@poola_elizabeth) July 2, 2018
“You’re Hugh Janus!”
“He sure as shit is.”— Subversive Spice 🔥 (@ashesinyourhair) July 2, 2018
Shakespeare, bitches!
— Heather Lange #spnborders (@beneaththedirt) July 3, 2018
As funny as the show was a lot of time, I think some of my favorite parts were the more serious and sincere parts. Like Rob and Marnie talking in the car. Rob trying to reassure Rich at the end of the wedding episode. Rich talking to Carly about wanting to be together. 1/2
— Lena Platz (@LenaMariePlatz) July 10, 2018
Those sweet, bright moments really shone for me, and showed them as truly three-dimensional characters who still could be funny and have flaws and escapades …. but deep down were really good guys. 😊 2/2
— Lena Platz (@LenaMariePlatz) July 10, 2018
Why They Love ‘Kings of Con’
Kings of Con works so well because the humor comes from the shenanigans of the talent, and it doesn’t stoop to making fun of convention attendees. It’s got so much heart, the comedy is witty, brilliant, and I love the incorporation of physical humor. it is really a love letter
— finn | 🌲👨👩👧👦 (@againsthewave_) July 6, 2018
to us, and Rob and Rich took the utmost care to make it as amazing as they could, and you can tell they put their heart and soul into it.
— finn | 🌲👨👩👧👦 (@againsthewave_) July 6, 2018
The humour is what gets me, Rob & Richard are a great comedic duo. This show delivers hilarity, I have laughter tears every episode. I love that the “actors” they portray in the show are exaggerated, and they include the fans without making fun of them.
— Sarah (@WyldeFandom) July 7, 2018
“Including the fans without making fun of them” – preach! It’s a comedy show but it seems to be one of the best and most respectful depictions of fandom I can think of. One more reason to love KOC, Rob, Rich and everyone involved!
— No-one…\o/ (@No_one_o1) July 7, 2018
Has been said but I’ll add my two cents. They never rely on “punching down” to entertain. Fans are part of the jokes but not the target. As a teacher who uses a whole lot of self-deprecating humor to make students feel comfortable, I appreciated that.
— FandomsAsSocMvmts (@AKNerdFighting) July 7, 2018
I love Kings of Con because you can feel the heart that went into each and every episode. They make me laugh until I cry & then turn around & make me have all the feels. It has such a good, positive vibe all around & always makes me feel genuinely happy when I watch.
— em (@invisible_heir) July 6, 2018
It’s Rob and Rich, how can you not love it? Also it focuses on conventions without belittling it’s audience. And Kings of conversation was an added bundle of fun that made the whole thing feel like a party we were invited to. Desperately want a second season!
— Kelly Ovenden (@Lady_Keldana) July 7, 2018
The entire show was made with the utmost respect towards the very fanbase it was aimed at. Every gag, every joke was at the characters’ expense and seamlessly handled. It was funny without once being underhandedly nasty. Care was taken and very much noticed by the audience.
— Kate🌹 (@Tiniowien) July 7, 2018
As mentioned above, the humor is not at the expense of the fans, it celebrates us. @KingsOfCon makes me laugh like nothing else. Rich and Rob managed to write full bodied characters into such a small time frame with each episode. It’s not only silly and fun but full of heart.
— MamaBearInConverse (@shaunrozhon) July 6, 2018
I love Kings of Con for so many reasons. First, it makes me laugh – a lot. Second, I love that they include the fans in the show without making fun of them. I love picking out “what’s real” too. I feel like there are so many more stories we have yet to see!
— Jennifer MacDonald ~ ChiCon time! (@macd1982) July 6, 2018
The creation of Kings of Conversation was a masterpiece as well. Never have I laughed more at an aftershow on top of the laughter from watching the show it discusses. I still miss my weekly Jayden Swain experience. 😍
— Canonist – #IStandForJ2 – #J2Family (@Mensa_Erika) July 7, 2018
I have no words to adequately describe how much I love KoC, Rob & Rich. Maybe it’s the sneak peek glimpse into the parody of con life. Or how certain scenes make you cringe, feel embarrassed & wanna hide in sympathy. Could be just. The crazy chemistry between two great friends &
— Chelsea Davis (@AltyxEx) July 7, 2018
A cast of truly remarkable people with them. I’m not certain, not really. But I love this show, these people & anxiously waiting on season 2. Fingers crossed it happens soon. Wanna hear more of those stories they won’t share during panels.
— Chelsea Davis (@AltyxEx) July 7, 2018
– The chemistry between Rob & Rich is amazing
– The writing, acting & pacing of the show is phenomenal
– Every single episode had me in stitches!Fav: “Free stuff!” b/c Rich reveling in their marriage while Rob is freaking out about it, is hilarious!
— V. Ch. Quetz (@V_Ch_Quetz) July 7, 2018
1. They included us, the fans, without making fun of us.
2. I feel like they did a great job with destigmatizing fan girls and boys by constantly saying and showing that they, the actors, are the “weird” ones at the conventions.— Amanda Slater (@BandagedLetdown) July 6, 2018
This show never fails to make me giggle. Very happily! And anytime you can hear @RobBenedict squeak-scream “RICH!” is a good day.
— Heather Hall (@HeatherAHall81) July 8, 2018
I love it because it is original and they dont throw fans under the bus purely for the sake of getting a laugh
— WaywardAF Amanda 🇨🇦🦄 DD+1 (@AmandaC0124) July 8, 2018
Many people have said it already but in a world where people going to conventions are mocked for being passionate about a show, they didn’t. And they will always have my love and gratitude for that. Also making Matt Cohen a bad guy is genius since he is really nothing like that.
— Muriel #BuckmasterBegin (@housecatsswain) July 7, 2018
Watching Rob & Rich together is the best whether it be at conventions (YouTube videos in my case) or on KOC! I love that they included so many real stories which shows how fun & crazy their convention lives are. Oh & did I mention they are hilarious!? So many fun guest stars too!
— Amy (@amyabrigg) July 7, 2018
Kings of Con was a perfect mix of wit and warmth, it was a testament to the love rob and rich have to their fans and to their craft
— OUSA | R2M_Anson #SaveWaywardSisters (@anson_rm) July 7, 2018
I have too many favorite moments but I love the way Rob and Rich play off each other. They have such an amazing chemistry which is why I am addicted to cons!
— Barb!-SPNNash 2019🦋 (@Barb_516) July 7, 2018
it‘s basically us watching Rob and Rich do their magic and it is glorious 💕 I miss it so much 😭
— Sandra 🐳 113|RW #WaywardAF (@poptartswain) July 7, 2018
KoC is comfort food for the soul; characters based on people we know & love, highlighting a friendship that is deep & profound that we’ve gotten to witness irl, & depicting hilarious situations through flawless writing & perfectly timed acting. It’s one of a kind & sorely missed.
— Morgan (@Wayward_Writing) July 7, 2018
Just the writing, acting, chemistry, etc. The tattoo part still gets me. It’s just funny.
— Tiffany shope (@Tiffanyshope1) July 7, 2018
Kings of Con is wonderful because it was born of the deep friendship between Rich and Rob and the way their humor styles play so well off of each other.
— Jeni ❤💜💙 (@Key_Lime_Pie) July 6, 2018
So, so many reasons. There were all the emotions……..happy, sad, funny, serious, crazy. There was a realness that I could relate to. Rob and Rich were just amazing, and it made getting up at 5am on a Tuesday morning totally worth it.
— Jennifer Brown (@jjb970) July 8, 2018
KOC is hilarious. From the very beginning the laughs come from the audience, not bc the guys are putting us down, but bc the guys and their characters WERE the jokes and it was just straight up funny. They don’t need to put anyone down in order to get laughs. They.Are.Hilarious
— Jen#AKF#YANA#RActs#LTTU (@jhpracht) July 8, 2018
I love KOC, because it’s made entirely by the very people we adore & go to cons for. But it feels like we’re sitting at a bar hearing these stories from them. “So this one time…in Whippany, NJ…” Almost saying, ‘see how crazy it is here too?!’ #koc
— Lindsay (@childothursday) July 7, 2018
It’s easy to see fans love this show. They quote it. They make gifs of it. They throw their support behind Rob, Rich, and the entire cast and crew.
Read the rest of the series: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5