REVIEW: “Kings of Con” Episode 5 – “Burnsville, MN”
In this week’s episode of Kings of Con, Richard books a national commercial where he has to be shirtless. Rob and Rich enlist the help of Matt to help Richard “give the ol’ torso a tune up”. And Matt does just that. Hilarity ensues as Matt shows him how to stretch, and you see a variety of scenes of the two running, lifting weights and doing pull-ups.
Also this week, the cast learns that the convention organizers have added a contractual obligation that they have to perform a circus routine. For their circus routine, Rob and Rich have decided that they are going to juggle. There’s just one problem.. Matt has put Rich through such a workout that he is unable to move his arms the next day. Richard cannot even unzip his pants, let alone perform a juggling routine. But the guys power through and everything works out. Sort of.
Also, for this week’s episode Sebastian Roche joins the cast, alongside recurring cast members Kurt Fuller, Gil McKinney and Kim Rhodes.
What’s so great about Kings of Con is that every week I find myself thinking that the newest episode has been my favorite so far, only to have it topped by the following week’s episode. The work out scene with Matt is by far one of the funniest parts of the entire series. Each new episode continues to be fresh and funny, and there’s so many quotes you can pull from each episode that are memorable.
One of the best parts about watching Kings of Conversation (the livestream on Comic-Con HQ on Tuesday nights where Rob and Rich have special guests, games and feature fan art) is seeing what parts of the episodes are real, since many of the episodes have things that Rob and Rich have personally experience doing conventions throughout the years.
Be sure to check it out the show on Comic-Con HQ! New episodes are released every Tuesday.