‘Walker’ Recap: Season 4, Episode 8 “Witt’s End”


On tonight’s episode of Walker, Witt returns and things heat up in the search for the necklace. Also, everyone is worried about Cordell after being knocked out by the Jackal.

Let’s dive into tonight’s episode!

Luna and Cassie

The episode opens and Luna is at Cassie’s place. Cassie tells him they’re down Cordell today, and that he’s been a little off but he’s been through worse. She then asks if Luna would like to go to dinner with Ben and Liam.

Later, Ben and Cassie are cooking together and she asks Ben about the dinner. She tells him that the work-family knows about Luna, and she wants her actual family to know him.

Ben and Liam meet up with them and Luna tells them what he likes most about her, and Liam says he passes. Ben then asks about where Luna plans to settle down, and Cassie tells him he doesn’t have to answer.

Cassie tells Ben he was a little harsh, but Ben tells her that he likes Luna. Ben asks her if she thinks its temporary because she’s in Austin and he’s from Corpus Christi. She says they’ll figure out a way to make it work, and Ben asks if she’s truly looking for something that lasts and to consider it.

Later, Luna and Cassie are at Cassie’s place doing a puzzle. Cassie talks about their distance, and Luna tells her that he’s transferring to Austin PD.

Witt’s Return

At UCAS, Stella gets a knock on her door and it’s Witt. He says the woman is after him and will be after her soon too. He says her name is Joanna, and she’s the one who wants the necklace but he doesn’t know why. Witt then sees a board on Stella’s wall with clues to the necklace, much like the one her dad has set up for the Jackal. She tells Witt about the progress she’s made, and Witt says he told Joanna that Stella was close to finding the necklace. On the center of the board is Duke, and Stella says she’s going to have to ask Duke directly.

As they’re walking out to her car in the parking garage, a van pulls up and men grab Witt. One of those men was the same one that Stella saw at Witt’s memorial on the side of the road earlier this season, the one who said he was Witt’s uncle. Stella gets away, and the van drives away with Witt.

Witt’s held in a storage closet, and Joanna enters asking for the necklace. Witt says they were on their way to get it, but Joanna doesn’t believe him. She tells Witt he’s going to pay for lying to her.

The Jackal Case

At HQ, the team is going through all of the items they recovered from the Jackal bust, including photos of potential next victims who have been notified and are in protective custody. Cordi walks in and says he was cleared and his CT scan came back normal. He asks to be caught up, but Larry tells him that Boyle is dead and buried at the zoo. Larry asks for the room and tells Cordell to go home and take it easy.

At home, Cordi is staring at his board trying to work on the Jackal case. Trey enters and sees that Cordi is still working. Trey tells him he couldn’t get the evidence to show him, and Cordi talks about how he should be at HQ tracking down the Jackal. Trey talks to him about taking a break and taking it easy. Liam then walks in and apologizes for the way he talked to him in the last episode. Cordi says he should be the one apologizing, and he promises he’s good. Liam leaves and talks to Trey about Cordi being off. Liam tells Trey that Hoyt had given him the letters previously to give to the kids if anything happened to Cordi, and August overhears this conversation.

August is going through some old photos when Stella walks in. He tells Stella about the letters, and they think they know where the necklace is. Stella thinks that the necklace and the letters might be together. Stella says they should ask Liam where the letters are, and Stella gets a text from Witt that he got away.

August goes to see Cordi and tells him that he has an assignment, where he’s supposed to recreate a photo. There’s one Emily took of Cordi by a lake, and August asks to recreate that. Cordi reluctantly leaves his work and agrees. Augie and Cordi go for a walk to find the location of the photo and Cordi tells him how proud he is of him. They find the spot, and Augie takes a photo with Emily’s camera of Cordi in the same spot.

Cordi hears some noises and sees a lens behind a tree, and goes to confront the guy; he’s just a bird watcher taking a photo — and Cordi freaked out a bit and tells Augie not to panic. Augie says he wanted to do this with Cordi because he thought he needed a break, and because he thinks this was the last photo Emily ever took of Cordi. Augie tells Cordi that he thinks he needs to talk to someone about what he’s gone through.

Cordi goes back to HQ and looks through the evidence and the map. Larry finds him and asks why he’s there. Larry doesn’t buy that Cordi is fine, and Cordi says he can’t be a good father, friend, or partner until he gets the guy off the streets.

The CW

Stella’s Search for the Necklace

Stella goes to find Liam and asks about the letters. Liam asks why she’s asking, and he tells her he didn’t take the letters.

Later that night, Stella goes to meet Witt, who has bruises and cuts over his face. They meet up at an old Gentleman’s Club, and Stella tells Witt she thinks the necklace is inside. It’s the same place that Hoyt previously worked. They find Hoyt’s old locker in the back and break it open. On their way out, someone comes in and it’s Joanna’s men. They try to pin Stella down but Witt hits one of the men and knocks him out, letting the two escape. They stop at a road to talk, and Stella says one road will lead to the Ranger station, one to Texarkana. Witt says he needs to tell her something, and Stella says she knows that it was him who wrote on her window and gassed her car. She said that she found out because of the matchbook he left in her car.

Witt says he wishes he could tell her more about Joanna, but she is guarded. Stella’s phone rings, and it’s Joanna. Stella tells her to leave Witt alone, and she says done, but now Stella is her new dance partner and threatens her that something will happen to everyone she loves. As Stella thinks, she says she thinks she knows where it really is. She talks about Geri, and she leaves to go get the necklace and tells Witt goodbye.

Stella goes to the Side Step and starts looking through items there, including the jukebox and arcade games. After tearing apart the place, she sees Denise the Boar. She takes it down, and inside she finds the letters, including one to Geri that tells her that what he left behind is his legacy and that she’ll find it.

Walker airs Wednesday nights on The CW. You can stream the new episode the next day on The CW app.

Briar is the Editor-in-Chief of Nerds and Beyond. She has been running the site since 2015 with the goal of being a unique, professional news site dedicated to all the things she loved - and providing fans with the best content available. Briar oversees the day-to-day operations and runs all of the social media. She loves all things Disney & Walker. You can follow her @thebriarroseee.

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