‘Star Wars: Ahsoka’ Recap: Part 7, “Dreams and Madness”


“Hera must answer to the New Republic, while far, far away, a reunion takes place.”

The New Republic is angry toward General Hera Syndulla, to no one’s surprise, and she is being reprimanded in person by the Senate Committee for acting like it’s still a rebellion, saying they’re a government now with rules and laws according to Xiono. Hera views her job as protecting the people, exactly what she has done by ignoring his order. Mon Mothma wishes to at least commend Hera for bringing the issues to light, while Xiono insists the whole thing is being blown out of proportion and that there are no “Imperial Remnants” … even when Carson reminds him about Moff Gideon and Mandalore.

Hera warns that the threat will become immediate if and when Thrawn returns. Xiono motions for Hera to be court marshaled for disobeying a direct order. This is soon interrupted by the entrance of C-3PO, insisting he does not need to show identification. He’s there, of course, on behalf of Senator Leia Organa. He presents a data transcript that states Leia personally sanctioned Hera’s mission to Seatos, unaware of Xiono’s orders.

“Senator Organa is willing to overlook this misstep, but asks that you address any further concerns to her directly in her role as leader of the Defense Council.”

Court is immediately dismissed, and Hera shares her appreciation with C-3PO before joining Mon Mothma in continued conversation where the Chancellor beseeches Hera to put her personal feelings aside when she asks how real the threat of Thrawn’s return is.

Ahsoka continues training to pass the time, an old hologram of her former Master, Anakin Skywalker, during the Clone Wars coaching her along, urging her to practice often … or at least more than he does. He reminds her that he won’t always be around and that she needs to learn how to protect herself. Huyang watches quietly until the recording ends when Ahsoka tells him that Anakin made 20 or more recordings just like that, and the one that was just playing was his last. Huyang expresses that he didn’t realize Anakin was thoughtful, and Ahsoka reaffirms aloud that he was a good Master.

Huyang thinks the purrgil will come to a stop soon because their speed is slowing. Ahsoka isn’t worried about being in another galaxy and their systems not working — if she can find the enemy, she can find Sabine. The pod drops out of hyperspace and Ahsoka can sense that something is wrong, lights flashing outside the purrgil’s mouth indicating a fight taking place outside. Sure enough, outside a minefield has been set. While initially, the purrgil are providing some cover through the minefield, they quickly begin to jump back into hyperspace, leaving Ahsoka alone to navigate. When they’re clear of the minefield they turn sights onto the enemy.

Almost immediately enemy craft are upon them, leading Ahsoka to seek coverage in the rings of Peridea, which are made of purrgil bones. On the planet below Thrawn is updated that he was correct — a pod did arrive, among them a T-6. Morgan Elsbeth hands over everything the Inquisitorial Database had on Ahsoka — including the knowledge of Ahsoka’s Master. Thrawn orders Captain Enoch to instruct the fighters to stand down, informing Elsbeth there’s no need to waste their resources, which she tries to argue. Thrawn insists the direction he is taking is steering Ahsoka on whatever path he wants so they can always be one step ahead.

“And if she’s anything like her Master, she will be unpredictable and quite dangerous.”

Ahsoka and Huyang opt to hide in the debris field. Below Ezra, Sabine, and the Noti are moving the village’s location. Sabine has caught Ezra up on what’s happened in their galaxy while he’s been gone — the Empire is defeated, the Emperor is (supposedly) dead, there’s a New Republic, Zeb is training recruits, Hera’s commanding a fleet … Ezra is now facing just how much he’s missed. Ezra asks Sabine how she found him again, and she is yet again quick to change the topic despite Ezra insisting them getting home is important. Instead, Sabine brings up that Ahsoka brought her on as her Apprentice. Ezra is very obviously shocked by this information but turns to asking where Ahsoka is. Sabine once again says it’s complicated.

Baylan and Shin continue to trail, now with the gang of bandits for company. The Great Mothers arrive to Thrawn where he asks them to find Ahsoka where she is hidden in the graveyard. Huyang’s scanners can’t pick up Sabine, but Ahsoka uses the Force and her bond with Sabine to reach out to her Apprentice. Sabine returns the call and opens the connection, allowing Ahsoka to see her, just as the Great Mothers find Ahsoka’s location. Captain Enoch is ordered to open fire on the T-6, but Ahsoka is still unworried because she knows where they need to go.

Once she’s avoided fire and the graveyard Thrawn instructs the fighters to reengage her. The Noti stop with Baylan and Shin ahead, within striking distance. Baylan instructs Shin to contact Thrawn, kill Ezra and Sabine, and take her place in the new Empire … his parting lesson to her as he sees himself on a different path. The bandits surge forward to lay attack and the Noti don’t have real weapons as they’re a peaceful people and have survived well enough, but their slingshots aren’t much help to Sabine at the moment. Ezra eventually instructs the Noti to circle up and get inside so he can handle the situation. Shin Hati draws close enough for Ezra to see her.

Ezra and Sabine emerge from the pod to face Shin as Ahsoka opts to jump from the ship, instructing Huyang to draw the fighters away. Once on the ground, Ahsoka is face-to-face with Baylan again, who seems almost pleasantly surprised to see her. He’s not disappointed that she is alive but does have to stop her from interfering. The two engage in combat for the second time this season. Sabine tries to hand Ezra his old lightsaber which he refuses, saying he doesn’t need it.

“No. The Force is my ally. That’s all I need.”

He quickly proves he’s a very capable fighter purely wielding the Force. Eventually, Shin sets her sights on Ezra and the two begin to fight until Sabine joins them … along with the reinforcements Thrawn ordered. Baylan taunts Ahsoka that she cannot beat him to which she smugly says she doesn’t have to, Huyang providing a distraction with the T-6. Ahsoka departs on a Howler to find her Apprentice, while Baylan opts to depart. Thrawn remarks that their side is short one mercenary. Ezra offers to be taken as a prisoner, buying them just enough time for Ahsoka to arrive. Ahsoka faces Shin herself as a battle breaks out, which Huyang can see from above.

“Oh, they’re all back together! I hope they survive long enough to see the outcome.”

Ezra and Sabine focus their efforts on the Night Troopers, while Thrawn seems to admire what he’s watching unfold, almost like watching the Jedi of old. He calls off the aerial pursuit and gunships, saying the losses are acceptable in the midst of Lord Baylan not being present. In the grand scheme of things, he views this first match against Ahsoka as a success, because while the reunited forces have been occupied the cargo transfer is now almost complete and Thrawn can finally almost leave the galaxy to return home. According to him, Ahsoka has lost the one thing she couldn’t afford to … time.

The Night Troopers retreat much to the dismay of Shin. Ahsoka extends a hand to Shin and offers to help her, to which Shin looks as though she is considering it until she retreats as well. Ahsoka stops Sabine and Ezra from following her. With the action halted Ahsoka reunites with Ezra for a hug before Huyang lands the T-6. Ezra tells the Noti that everyone present now are friends and they start to come out. Ezra is starting to feel like he might be going home after all.

The finale episode of Star Wars: Ahsoka releases next Tuesday on Disney+ at 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST. Refresh yourself on the season so far with episodic recaps from Nerds & Beyond here.

Hannah’s a lifelong nerd, but has been with the team since May 2021. Her life is easily classified by two abbreviations - BBG3 and ABG3 (before Baldur’s Gate 3 and after Baldur’s Gate 3). Especially nerdy about: video games, folklore, Star Wars, D&D, Spider-Man, and horror (all of it). Based in Denver, CO.

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