‘Shadow and Bone’ Recap: Season 2, Episode 6 “Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)”


In the sixth episode of the second season of Shadow and Bone, “Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart),” Baghra, Mal, and Alina visit Morozova’s workshop and make a shocking discovery and the Crows find that they may be in over their heads in their search for the Neshyenyer.

Morozova’s workshop

Alina, Baghra, and Mal ride on horseback to Morozova’s workshop, and Alina tells Baghra that she intends to kill the Darkling. She shares her wish to create an army of light, but Bargha warns her against using merzost — she won’t know the price that kind of magic demands until it’s too late. When they sit down around a fire, Baghra tells them that Morozova was her father. She had a sister who was otkazat’sya but accidentally killed her with the Cut, and thus she was banished.

The truth of the third amplifier is revealed

Dávid Lukács/Netflix

When they arrive at the workshop, Baghra uses her blood to open the door. Inside, they find the caskets of both her mother and her sister, where she reflects on the fact that the former always regarded her as one of her father’s abominations. Mal opens Baghra’s sister’s casket, but it’s empty save for the broken carving. She realizes that her sister was never buried. So Morozova not only brought her back to life, he turned her into the third amplifier. Now, Baghra has put all of the pieces together — the reason why Mal could only hear the first two amplifiers, the way that he was mysteriously pulled toward the same orphanage where Alina was. It’s because it was his destiny all along. Baghra’s sister is Mal’s ancestor, and he’s the third amplifier. Mal must sacrifice himself upon Alina’s blade, or else they’ll never be able to destroy the Fold.

Inside, the Darkling appears as a projection behind Alina, grabbing her from behind and telling her that he destroyed the First Army camp at Keramzin, her first home. He’ll take the Grisha orphans, but the rest will pay for her stubbornness. He pins her up against a wall, choking her, and despite Alina’s refusal to give in to him, he reminds her that he has more practice with eternity than she does.

I will strip away all that you know, all that you love. Till you have no shelter but me.

– The Darkling

Baghra’s sacrifice

Mal and Baghra rush back inside, unable to see the Darkling, only the power bursting out of Alina. Baghra sets fire to the workshop and waltzes over, clapping a hand on her son, and he suddenly appears to her. Alina and Mal escape while Baghra faces the Darkling, but just as she’s about to use the Cut, the nichevo’ya attack. However, she knew she wouldn’t be able to kill him. As she lay dying in his arms, she cuts off his hand to sever the connection with Alina for good. The Darkling cries.

Alina and Mal return to where Nikolai and the survivors have convened with Dominik and the First Army, informing them of Baghra’s sacrifice. Once they’re alone, Mal admits to Alina that he’s the firebird. She doesn’t want to believe it, but when she touches him, she feels the power flow through her. Alina tells him they can just leave everything behind and get their lives back.

But I’ll never know a love more than this. You’re a part of me, Mal.

– Alina

Mal has accepted his fate, but Alina can’t. They fall into bed together. Meanwhile, Vladim pours bone dust from Baghra’s finger onto the wound where the Darkling’s hand once was, bonding his mother to him as an amplifier. As is the process, he sees her final moments, including when she tells Mal that he’s the firebird.

Caught in the poison

Timea Saghy/Netflix

Blissfully unaware of the fact that his friends are passed out and trapped inside of Ohval’s house, Wylan is distracted by butterflies. However, Tolya uses his Grisha powers to fight back against the poison, and he manages to call out for Wylan before falling to the floor. The poison is keeping each of them under with visions — Jesper sees his mother and shares a tender, lost moment. Inej sees Kaz, and he takes his gloves off, touching her with his bare hands for the first time … but as he leans in to kiss her, she realizes it’s not real, and she wakes up. Wylan quickly deduces that the poison is coming from the flowers, and he makes them all eat the butterflies as an antidote.

Ohval returns home to find Tolya, Jesper, and Kaz on the floor (pretending this time), and Inej slowly lowers herself down from the ceiling. Unfortunately, Ohval senses her presence. Tolya, Inej, and Jesper attempt to fight her in the courtyard, but they’re unable to contend with the Grisha power she yields. Wylan blows through the gate in the midst of the fight, and Zoya and Nina arrive to help, but she overpowers both of them as well.

Sankta Neyar

Dávid Lukács/Netflix

Suddenly, the doors to the house open, and Kaz wheels an old man outside who tells Ohval that they have visitors, art collectors from Kerch. This man is the Disciple, and Ohval is his wife. He reveals that Ohval is the one that made the Neshyenyer … she is Sankta Neyar. Kaz tells her that they need the blade to defeat the Darkling, but she tells him that’s Ravka’s problem. Tolya pleads on the Sun Summoner’s behalf and promises it will be returned to its rightful home afterward.

Ohval relents, dismissing everyone but Jesper, and she brings him inside to give him the Neshyenyer. She scolds him for being a terrible Durast as she hands him the blade. He thanks her for the moments with his mother that the poison gave him. Afterward, he approaches Wylan and tells him that he doesn’t want to hide who he is anymore. Kaz grumbles as he and Inej walk past the happy couple. Interestingly enough, it seems that while he’s now softened to recognize the importance of Inej in his life by way of the poison-fueled nightmare, Inej has realized that her hope for something more with him clouds her judgement.

Shadow and Bone season 2 is now streaming on Netflix. Make sure to follow along with all of our episodic recaps!

Lindsey joined the Nerds and Beyond team in 2018. If she's not writing or out and about with her camera, she's probably watching anime, nerding out over Star Wars, reading manga, and definitely forgetting to water her plants. And waiting for the Genshin loading screen to pop up. Contact: lindsey@nerdsandbeyond.com

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