‘Big Sky’ Recap: Season 3, Episode 13 “That Old Feeling”


Tonight’s Big Sky finale wrapped up the season with some explosive stories — including the kidnapping of Emily and Denise, and the hunt to find them. Let’s dive into what happened in season 3, episode 13 “That Old Feeling”.


Buck has Emily and Denise, who are tied up in the back of his car, as he arrives at the Hammerhead Bar. He goes around searching for cars to steal when a man sees Emily and Denise and tries to call for help, but Buck slams his head against the car, killing him. Buck takes his keys, which belong to a pickup truck with a trailer attached.

Buck stops to grab gas. Emily and Denise find a swiss army knife. Buck tries to give them water when Emily tells him her father will find him and kill him. Denise tries to stab him, but he catches her.

The Search for Buck

At the bar where Avery was, Carla arrives and Beau comforts her. Beau tells Carla that they think that Buck has Emily. Jenny interrupts, saying Buck was seen and he killed a man. Cassie arrives and they watch surveillance footage of Buck in the parking lot. They see that he dropped keys, and get the lab to enhance it.

Cassie asks Cormac about the keychain that Buck dropped. He says Buck used that key for a gate. Cassie and Cormac drive to look for the gate.


Sunny and Walter

At home, Sunny is packing and grabs a gun. She hears footsteps, and Walter is there. Walter asks where Buck is, and Sunny says she has a plan.

Poppernak is outside the house when an alarm goes off. He goes in and sees that something on the stove was burning. When he runs back to the front of the house, Sunny was taking off in her car.

Sunny drives with cops tailing her, and Beau pulls out in front of her and orders her out of the car. Beau tells Sunny Buck has Emily, and she didn’t know.

Beau and Jenny question Sunny, and she says she was going to talk Buck into turning himself in. Beau tells Sunny she’s going to help get his daughter back.

Sunny talks to Buck, but he knows that she’s being listened to. Beau grabs the phone and Buck tells him to let Sunny go, or he’ll start hurting people.

The Meeting

Beau, Jenny, and Sunny arrive at an empty location. The truck pulls up with Buck in it. Beau notices the trailer isn’t there and asks where Emily and Denise are. Buck tells them to let Sunny go. Buck says he wants to see Sunny, and Beau gets her out of the car. Sunny goes over to Buck and tells him to do the right thing. He takes Sunny’s arm and says he’s leaving with Sunny, and that he’ll call with the location.

Buck finds a tracker on Sunny, and he says he’d never hurt her. She tells him there will never have the life they had before. She said if he does the right thing, she’ll consider forgiving him. She says she wants to get out, but Buck says to call Beau. He gives Beau coordinates, and they head there.

Buck says he needs her. Sunny says she wants to go to the spot where Buck proposed to her and that she has a plan.

The Location

Beau and Jenny arrive at the location where the trailer is. They see a trip wire and the trailer explodes, and they found the body of the man from the bar that Buck killed.

Poppernak calls Beau and Jenny and they found the truck Buck was in. Sunny and Buck hike up to the location, and she asks if he remembers the promise he made her. She says that he broke it, and everything they had is broken. Buck says he can change. Sunny kisses him and says it was her goodbye kiss, as Walter arrives with a knife.

Walter charges Buck, but Buck hits Walter repeatedly with a rock. Beau tackles Buck down a cliff, and Buck tries to stab Beau. Beau tackles him to the ground as the knife is pointed at him. Beau breaks his arm, and Buck tells him it’s too late. Beau starts to strangle him but Jenny comes down and throws Beau off.

Sunny has a gun pointed at Buck and shoots Buck right in the chest, killing him. Sunny drops the gun and Jenny handcuffs her.

The Gate

Cassie and Cormac find a gate with Buck’s initials on it, which lead up to a cabin. Inside the cabin, they find it empty, and Cormac says Buck was there recently.

Cassie gets off the phone with Jenny and tells Cormac about what happened with Sunny and Buck. Cormac tells Cassie there’s an old mine shaft. They hear screaming and they find Emily and Denise.

Beau and Jenny rush there and Beau hugs Emily as Jenny hugs Denise.

Back at the station, Sunny gets fingerprinted. Jenny and Cassie tell her that Walter isn’t actually dead, he’s alive.

Tonya and Donno

Tonya wheels Donno into the diner in a wheelchair – confirming he’s alive. Tonya apologizes for being greedy and for him almost getting killed. Donno asks about the kiss. Tonya says it’s just a kiss, but Donno says he felt something. Donno says it’s a shame they didn’t get the money, but Tonya says she transferred it so it’s theirs.

Walter and Cormac

At the hospital, Cormac and Cassie are together as he enters Walter’s room. Walter says “Hello friend,” to Cormac, and Paige blows a kiss outside the window of his room.

Beau and Jenny

Beau arrives at Jenny’s house where he comes in for a drink. Beau says Carla’s moving back to Houston. Beau says he’s not sure if he’s moving, but this town needs a sheriff. He says he has a lot of ghosts in Houston. Jenny asks why he’s there, and he tells her he wanted to thank her for everything.

Big Sky is available to watch on Hulu. There’s currently no word on another season renewal.

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