‘9-1-1’ Recap: Season 6, Episode 7 “Cursed”
This week’s 9-1-1 takes a look at just how superstitions affect the lives of two very unfortunate individuals, as well as the 118. Let’s jump into what happened in “Cursed.”
The Cursed Bracelet
The 118 have a very rare reoccurring patient in Felisa, a troubled Hollywood starlet, and her over-eager assistant Alexis. Desperate to overcome her bad luck and difficult past by cleansing her energy, Felisa lets Alexis talk her into purchasing a $20,000 bracelet said to have been recovered from Pompeii. Happily believing it will turn her luck around, Felisa dawns the bracelet (one she promised her online following she’d do an unboxing for) and is almost immediately struck by “bad luck” in the form of her large iron chandelier falling on her. Cue the 118 arriving on scene and having to cut the chandelier in half in order to move it. As they do so, Felisa tells them about the bracelet’s background and its “good luck.” Alexis hovers about, worried over Felisa and the bracelet as they are taken to the hospital.
Incident #2
Just when she’s sure that was a fluke, the 118 arrive on the scene of a spa accident. A woman was accidentally covered over the face with wax, and Eddie recognizes the bracelet on her wrist. Hen is able to clear her airway, and they, once again, whisk Felisa to the hospital. In all the chaos, her bracelet falls off into the back of the ambulance, causing some hilarity back at the station. Chimney refuses to touch it as Eddie continually ridicules the team, but the moment he snatches it up, a fellow firefighter falls behind them. He’s hurt from the fall, and Bobby realizes he’s slipped on a puddle of gas. The entire station is evacuated. Perhaps Chimney and Hen are right about the curse?
Incident #3
Felisa and Alexis visit a crystal shop as she searches for something to cleanse her energy. The woman steps into the back to bring her some jade and citrine pieces, but Felisa spots a large amethyst piece while waiting. Alexis begs her not to climb a ladder and heads to find the shop owner. Of course, Alexis doesn’t wait, but she’s no longer the unlucky one. Just as she climbs the step stool, Alexis comes stumbling from the back, gasping with a stab wound by some crystal. She falls to the ground, and the owner finds Felisa screaming for her to call 9-1-1. She does so, but as Maddie takes the details, all three of them pass out. The 118 arrive with gas masks only to find two familiar faces. Eddie and Chimney revive Felisa outside and get the details, but it’s the owner who tells them the crystal that stabbed Alexis. It’s a chemical compound, combined with stomach acid, which created a toxic gas. With one mystery solved, Alexis is rushed to the ER.
The Final Call
After Athena looks into the bracelet, Eddie takes it upon himself to warn Felisa at the hospital while Alexis is still unconscious. He tells her that the bracelet she bought for $20k was actually bought off a random website by Alexis for $11k, but Felisa is reluctant to believe it.
Felisa leaves the hospital after Eddie’s warning, convincing herself she can take care of herself without help. As she pulls out, she notices a car following her. After some evasive maneuvers, she calls 9-1-1, who put a call out to all nearby officers, including Athena, who recognizes Felisa’s name. She responds but not before Felisa, in her haste to get away, hits the back of an asphalt truck that empties the hot materials onto her car, trapping her inside with the deadly fumes. Athena arrives and has the man under arrest, but the 118 rush to get to Felisa. They barely manage to save her in time, but thankfully they free her.
All is revealed by Athena when interrogating the man. He is the one who sold Alexis the fake bracelet. When he found out that Felisa was a celebrity and his fake artifact business would likely be in jeopardy, he knew he had to get the bracelet back. He tried to intercept it at her house, at the spa, where he knocked the wax over, and at the crystal shop, where he confronted Alexis and accidentally stabbed her when they fought. His final attempt was to follow Felisa home, but it led to his arrest. Perhaps he is the one that was cursed!
Eddie’s Wisdom
Eddie is a little more than just anti-supernatural; he’s suspicious that Alexis might be manipulating Felisa. He visits Bobby and Athena, where he tells them about a psychic who took advantage of his Abuela after his Abuelo passed. Her grief drove her to spending all her savings on this woman’s messages, so Eddie is understandably skeptical. “My mother has costume jewelry that looks better than this,” Athena observes as Eddie fills her in on the details he gleaned from Felisa.
Following his conscience, he tells Felisa about it at the hospital, which ultimately results in the arrest of the man who stabbed Alexis. Eddie also invited Felisa to meet him and Christopher at the beach. She agrees and finds him relaxing while he watches Christopher play. Eddie tells her that after the tsunami, he knew the fear of the water would only grow if they didn’t return to the pier and the water, so he chose to face it rather than give it power of them. Now, they relax at the beach together and make new memories. Felisa sees the wise move of it, and in Eddie’s own way, he helps her to understand that she can make her own way in life without letting her past actions dictate how she lives.
Buck Faces Some Scheduling Difficulties
After agreeing to be Connor and Cameron’s sperm donor, Buck is faced with a series of problems every time he visits the clinic. In an effort to start his friend’s family off “on the right track,” Buck has decided to sleep more, eat better (meaning green smoothies), and even chooses to go celibate. He lets it slip to Hen because it’s taking so very long (four whole weeks) for him to actually be able to make said donation at the clinic.
He visits yet again, but the place has a power outage, and they ask him to come back in yet another week. While he’s managed to keep his decision from the team, that goes down the drain when the couple shows up at the firehouse after finding out he has yet to donate. They are stressed and worried he might have changed his mind and doesn’t want to tell them. Buck blurts out over Cameron’s worry that he’s still planning to be their sperm donor; there’s just been a few hiccups. Of course, the whole team has gathered on the balcony above to eavesdrop, so that cat is out of the bag now.
He finally has another appointment and is on the way when his car suddenly dies. Buck is just 1.8 miles (according to his phone) from the clinic with 10 minutes to spare, so he does what any dedicated friend (and one who is feeling a little on edge) might do and sprints to the clinic. Sweating and panting, he eagerly tells the nurse he’s two minutes early and desperately asks if he made it in time. She’s utterly perplexed and tells him yes as she hands him a cup and a magazine to escort him back.
9-1-1 airs Mondays at 8 p.m. EST on FOX! Stay tuned for our continued coverage on the series, including episodic recaps and more.