‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ Recap: Season 3, Episode 14 “Impulse Control”

Jordin Althaus/FOX

In this week’s episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star, anger issues abound as Owen watches a recurring patient walk a deadly path down the road of untreated anger. Meanwhile, Tommy gets an unwelcome visit from Charles’ little brother.

Anger Issues

Jordin Althaus/FOX

A light night drive thru goes wrong for a family when Al, the father, loses his temper at the server and jumps through the window. Considering drive thru windows are not hip width for most people, Al finds himself stuck and an internet sensation when the 118 have to literally lube him up (first with lube, then with lard) around the butt and hips to pull him through the window. While doing so, Owen asks Al if he’s considered anger management for his temper, sharing that he sought therapy for his own issues.

Marjan confronts Owen about quitting therapy, highlighting he left well before punching the last three guys and his fight with Catherine. True to form, Owen loses his temper and kicks her out of his office (making her point for her about needing therapy!).

Al’s temper is a recurring issue it seems, as the 126’s very next call is once again because of Al. His son took a dirty hit during a wrestling match and Al simply charge right on to the mat and straight into the bleachers. He manages to wedge himself into them so much so that the 126 must cut him out. Once again, Owen asks him about those anger management classes and even gives Al his therapist’s number. Poor Al is once again mortified by the scene, attention, and the embarrassment he caused his family. He decides it’s time for therapy.

Owen and Catherine

Jordin Althaus/FOX

Owen calls Catherine and they meet for lunch where he apologizes for blowing up on her. Catherine is still clearly annoyed with him, but admits that she still likes him. He asks her if she’s willing to give them another chance and she agrees. He’s so excited he hilariously screams “Yeehaw” at the table (something I’m going to need Rob Lowe to do much more often). Catherine has one stipulation, he needs to seek therapy for his anger issues. He gets (un)surprisingly angry at her accusation. He claims he doesn’t need therapy, he knows his “flaw” and “owns it.” She leaves asking him to call if he decides to get help.

Anger Issues 2.0

Jordin Althaus/FOX

Al really can’t catch a break. On his way to therapy with his family, Al tells them he’s turning over a new leaf. The wrestling incident was rock bottom and today is a new day. That is until a crazy driver tailgates him though he’s going over the speed limit. The driver swerves, coming around them and drinking a beer while staring them down. He then waves a gun at them. Understandably, Al panics while trying to maintain his speed on the road and not injure anyone. The unruly driver throws his beer at Al’s car (his wife is already calling 9-1-1) and it shatters across their window. As the view clears, they watch in horror as the driver jackknifes in front of them and the vehicle rolls and explodes. Al swerves but ends up colliding with an oncoming car.

The 126 focus on putting out the fire and extracting the driver when Al runs over asking for help for his wife and son who are injured. Tommy calmly explains they need to focus on this vehicle right then, and Al is furious they want to help the “guy who tried to kill [his] family” over them. Extracted and saved, officers can’t find the gun. It’s then that the man is wheeled right by Al who asks Mateo if he’s going to live. Mateo confirms it and Al pulls the gun from his jacket, firing directly at the man already loaded in the ambulance with Nancy sitting right next to him (Nancy and T.K. are both fine!). He fires off three shots before Owen tackles him, but the man is already dead. “He hurt my family,” is all Al says for himself when Owen asks why. Al’s son and wife are horrified.

At the station, everyone is shaken by the events. Owen reminds them all that there isn’t a single thing that could have been done, none of them need to replay what happened in their heads searching for a way to change the outcome. In the locker room, Mateo asks Nancy if she’s ok and they both share their thoughts (Mateo didn’t even know he had a gun. The patient looked at Nancy when he died like it was her fault.) Mateo asks her to coffee so neither have to go home with that as their last thought of the night.

This is also the thing that gets through to Owen. The very next day he returns to therapy for his rage issues.

Uncle Julius Visits the Vegas


Charles’ younger brother Julius crashes the girls birthday party much to Tommy’s dismay. He’s in town for six weeks with his band and decided to swing by to see the girls. Tommy tries to quickly usher him out the door but the girls beg for him to stay. Tommy quietly reminds him that skipping Charles’ funeral lost him any uncle privileges he had. The following day at work, Judd gets the details from Tommy. Julius has only been around their family a handful of times in 12 years, and she is not a fan of such a flakey family member. Charles was so much older that he basically raised him, cleaning up any messes in their childhood that arose.

Izzy and Evie write a thank you letter to Julius (calling out Tommy’s attitude) and she realizes that he’s making an effort now. Tommy invites him over that night for a conversation about the girls before allowing him to see them. Tommy makes it very clear exactly how she feels. His absence at Charles’ funeral hurt her deeply. Charles was always there for Julius his entire life, yet Julius didn’t bother to show up to the funeral. Both in tears, she tells him Charles would forgive him for not showing.

Julius explains that he was there in a way. He drove up to the church but sat out front of it in his car. He saw Tommy, Izzy, and Evie walk in together. Yet he couldn’t go in. He knows he failed them all and apologizes. “I couldn’t do it. All my strength came from my big brother and now he’s gone. I don’t know what to do,” he tells her. He hates himself for it, but Tommy tells him she doesn’t hate him. They cry together for a moment before Julius leans in and kisses her. Both are shocked and Julius leaves (but they quickly set up a time for Julius to see the girls. He’ll babysit on Thursday).

Tommy comes home on Thursday (following the on scene shooting) to find Julius telling the girls a story about he and Charles singing at a bar. They are happy to be hearing a new story about Charles, and they say their goodnights. Tommy and Julius clear the air about their kiss, “It never happened and will never happen again,” says Tommy. In fact, she invites him to crash in their guest room, to see his nieces as often as he likes, to be in their lives as much as he can.

Catch next week’s episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star on FOX on Monday, April 25 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Stay tuned for our continued coverage on the series, including episodic recaps and more!

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