The Russo Brothers Return to Disney For Animated Adaptation of ‘Superfudge’
Judy Blume’s best-selling children’s book Superfudge is getting the animation treatment from Disney.
Produced by the Russo Brothers through their production company AGBO and written by Amos Vernon and Nunio Randazzo, the animated feature will debut on Disney+.
Based on Blume’s 1980 novel of the same name, Superfudge will tell the story of the Hatcher family. At the heart of the family is 12-year-old Peter. He’s got a good life in Manhattan; a pet turtle, his own room, great parents, and a wonderful best friend in Jimmy. There’s only one snag: he also has a 3-year-old brother, Fudge (technically Farley Drexel Hatcher, but Fudge to most everyone).
Fudge is a source of a lot of chaos, and in the movie we will get to see what happens when Fudge runs away while Peter is in charge. This will be an epic family adventure in New York City, exploring how having the world turned upside down can bring people together and reminding us that nothing is constant but change.