‘Dexter: New Blood’: Showtime Unveils Official Trailer

After teasing fans during Comic-Con@Home, Showtime has finally released the official trailer for Dexter: New Blood!

Set 10 years after the events of the season 8 finale, Dexter still very much carries the burden of his Dark Passenger. As he says himself, he’s an evolving monster. He now lives as Jim Lindsay in upstate New York, in the town of Iron Lake. The new trailer suggests his old ways are mostly behind him. However, he hasn’t forgotten who he used to be. When Dexter learns about residents disappearing, his old playmate beckons him once again. Despite years of laying low, will Dexter be able to resist the temptation of getting rid of a bad guy for good?

Watch the trailer below. Then, read on as we unpack some of what happened.

If we weren’t already excited for this next chapter, this trailer really sets the stage for some of what we can expect. First things first, Dexter remains the peak embodiment of “fake it ’til you make it.” His new life as Jim Lindsay shows that not only did he maintain his skills of fitting in, but this time, he’s an especially amiable and well-liked guy around town. He even still brings pastries to his co-workers! And though he doesn’t work with the police department, he still keeps it close to his chest, thanks to his girlfriend Angela Bishop — an officer with Iron Lake PD. So, we all know what happened with Dexter’s former love interests. What’s his real endgame?

Well, according to Debra Morgan, he’s still a serial killer, and nothing has really changed. Jennifer Carpenter returns to reprise her role as Dexter’s (now very dead…) sister. Like Harry, it’s clear that she’s one ghost from the past Dexter simply won’t be able to shake. One line from Deb really jumps out, though:

“You’ve loved that you’re getting away with murder, and you cannot wait to kill again.”

Okay, listen. She could easily be referring to the body count he racked up during the show’s original run. Eight seasons is a lot of time to kill. Regardless of the extremely close calls he had first with Doakes and later with LaGuerta, he did manage to get away with murder. But Deb’s specific wording may also imply that all this time in hiding, Dexter probably never did stop. Or, at the very least, he killed far less frequently. His interest in the missing persons case really could be that dark, gnawing desire clawing its way back up after all this time.

Another major moment of this trailer comes at the very end. A mysterious person lurks inside Dexter’s home. He’s ready to defend himself at any moment, until the mystery person, who’s just a teen, tells Dexter exactly who he is.

“It’s me. Your son.”

Welcome back, Harrison. How’ve you been? How was Argentina? How’s Hannah? Where’s Hannah? Do you know that your father is a serial killer?

Well, we won’t get answers right away for any of those questions. There are still a few surprises on the way, including how John Lithgow’s Arthur Mitchell/Trinity Killer will be re-introduced to the show. Though we’ll have to wait for just a little bit longer, this new chapter already seems like the closure viewers have been needing for eight years.

Dexter: New Blood premieres on Sunday, November 7 at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT on Showtime. Stay tuned for our recaps and review. Find the rest of our coverage here.

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