Watch as Netflix Takes You Behind the Scenes of ‘Jupiter’s Legacy’

Netflix has released another short Jupiter’s Legacy behind the scenes video, but this time its the Utopian himself, Josh Duhamel, with an on set diary. Duhamel meets up with his fellow Union costars Leslie Bibb (Grace/Lady Liberty), Mike Wade (Fitz/The Flare), Matt Lanter (George/Skyfox), Ben Daniels (Walter/Brainwave), and David Julian Hirsh (Richard/Blue Bolt), shows the process of the many layers it takes to get superhero ready, and more.

Jupiter’s Legacy follows a group that Sheldon (Duhamel) has brought together to take with him on a trip to an island that he keeps having intense visions of. They return home with superpowers that they use to take down villains while abiding by their code. Eventually, they have children who struggle to take on the mantle of heroes and live up to their parents’ ideal.

All eight episodes of Jupiter’s Legacy are available to stream on Netflix now. Check out our content on the series here.

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