Stands Releases New Items, Including Rob Benedict’s “World’s Greatest Dad” Line and Dean and Cas Zepp Traxx Charm

Rob Benedict

Another day, another dollar — that is, another dollar that we’ll be throwing in Stands’ direction.

As teased, Stands released some pretty cool new merch today benefitting a plethora of great causes. Without further ado, let’s get right into the new releases.

First up, we have Rob Benedict’s “World’s Greatest Dad” line (keep dreaming, Chuck).

There are two different types of items you can get with this cute coffee cup design: an enamel pin and an embracelet charm. A portion of the proceeds from these items will go towards the American Stroke Association, a cause near and dear to Rob’s heart. Check out the designs below.

Secondly, we have some merch for the Cas fans in the house with the new Holy Tax Accountant Ankle Socks. These beige/tan socks, the color of Cas’ trench coat, sport blue ties on the front and black wings on the side, emulating everyone’s favorite angel Holy Tax Account. Partial proceeds from this item will go towards Random Acts.


Lastly, Stands has released a SPN Cassette Mix Tape Charm. Originally mistaking it as a reference to the infamous “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cakehole” line in the show’s pilot, Stands soon found out that the mixtape actually hailed from a scene where Dean gives Cas back a mixtape he made them, a widely hailed favorite moment by fans of the pair.

Of course, hilarity ensued on the online social media platform shortly thereafter — Stands is nothing if not funny. Partial proceeds from this item will go towards Animal Allies.


There are so many great new items to get your hands on while doing some good in the process. Make sure to head on over to Stands’ website today to procure these new items for yourself. All items will ship approximately 2-5 days after the orders have been placed. Happy shopping!

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