The Most Memorable Moments in ‘Bill & Ted Face the Music’

Bill & Ted Face the Music has been a long time coming. Taking almost 30 years to get made, the film finally made its debut into the world on August 28 (be sure to check out our review here). While many were excited to see the return of The Great Ones (Bill and Ted) themselves, they weren’t the only ones to give us cherishable moments throughout the movie. There are many unforgettable pieces in the film, so we wanted to highlight just a few of our favorites! Check out the most memorable Bill & Ted Face the Music moments below. (Warning: There will be spoilers!)
Rufus’ Hologram Tribute

Towards the beginning of the movie after Kelly, Rufus’ daughter, takes Bill and Ted into the future to talk to The Great Leader (Holland Taylor), we see them almost pass a very familiar phone booth. As both Bill and Ted stop to look at it and reminisce over the phone booth, a familiar face pops up, a hologram of Rufus standing in the phone booth giving some history on Bill and Ted. Though George Carlin sadly passed away in 2008, it warms our hearts that the production team put him in the movie in any way they could. – Mia
The Wedding Song

In the opening scene of Face the Music, we see Bill and Ted performing at Missy and Deacon’s wedding. The guys have written a song that they aren’t positive will restore the universe, but totally could, titled: “That Which Binds Us Through Time: The Chemical, Physical, and Biological Nature of Love; an Exploration of The Meaning of Meaning, Part 1.” In the performance that was inevitably cut short by Mr. Logan (Hal Landon Jr.), we get a glimpse at Bill (Alex Winter) throat singing and Ted (Keanu Reeves) playing the theremin and bagpipes. (By the way, Winter and Reeves both learned how to perform their crafts for this film, and we have to say, we’re surprised it wasn’t the song that saved the universe.)
Bill and Ted Saving the Universe
Listen, we know there’s a debate on whether or not Bill and Ted were in fact the ones that fulfilled the prophecy or if it was their daughters. We are here to say that although that decision is entirely yours to make, we believe that without the Wyld Stallyns reuniting, the help of Billie and Thea, and of course the princesses and Bill and Ted going all throughout time to distribute instruments, there simply wouldn’t be a song. “Face the Music” exists because in one way or another, music unites us all, and Bill and Ted proved that when they saved the universe.
Billie and Thea

The last time we saw Billie and Thea was in Bogus Journey in 1991 when they were just babies, but now mini Bill and Ted are all grown up. Bringing an innocence back, and proving that they will do anything for their dads because they love them so much, and Bill and Ted reciprocate that.
Bill and Ted wholeheartedly support their daughters musical dreams while not being gatekeepers. This dynamic was sweet and fresh to see play out on screen. While Billie and Thea are mini versions of their dads, Samara Weaving (Thea Preston) and Brigette Lundy-Paine (Billie Logan) fantastically grasped the concept — not making themselves carbon copies but enough for viewers to say, “Yeah, that’s totally Bill/Ted’s kid,” while still having the power to be their own individuals. Because of this, there’s not one specific scene we can point out that Billie and Thea aren’t incredible in.
Mr. Logan’s Apology to Ted

While Bill and Ted are in Hell attempting to find Billie and Thea, they also happen to run into Ted’s father. Mr. Logan actually tells both Bill and Ted that their trips to the future and to Hell are all fake. Even throughout the movie, you see that Mr. Logan really is not convinced, well, at least not until he is beamed into Hell by the robot trying to hunt down Bill and Ted, Dennis. When they both realize Ted’s father is down there, before they could say anything, he immediately apologizes for ever doubting them. It is a very heartfelt moment and it shows the growth of both Bill and Ted throughout the movies. But the best part is when Bill thanks Mr. Logan and he immediately bites back with, “I wasn’t talking to you, Bill.” – Mia
Dennis Caleb McCoy

During the film, we meet The Great Leader, who pleads to Bill and Ted they have to write an amazing song to unite the universe. While they’re on their journey to create a song, she loses faith in them and creates a robot to destroy them in hopes it will put the universe back on the correct course. While the robot attempts to hunt down Bill and Ted, he accidentally kills Ted’s father and both of their daughters programming a change of heart. Throughout the rest of the film, he proclaims he is Dennis Caleb McCoy (allegedly named after Kelly’s ex-boyfriend) and continues to become more in touch with reality. By the end of the film, he definitely become a fan favorite! – Mia
Emotional Wyld Stallyns Reunion with Death

Towards the end of the film, Bill and Ted have come to revisit Hell, but this time to save their daughters. They come to the realization that the only way out is with Death’s help, who they are still mad at and who’s equally as mad at them. After they get their grievances out in the open, Bill and Ted have a beautiful heart to heart apology and make the decision to let Death back into the band, making him once again a Wyld Stallyn (who’s cutting onions?). This scene proves just how seamlessly Winter, Reeves, and William Sadler work together on screen.
Death Being Death

Death is arguably one of the most iconic characters in the Bill and Ted universe. During the movie, when we first run into him, we find him playing hopscotch with himself and cheating. For what reason? Who knows! There’s not much to do in Hell. The moment is made even better when Bill and Ted walk in the room, Death is so shocked he lets the Tetherball he was using smack him in the back of the head. Though Death unfortunately did not have a large role in the film, it proves how much of a comedic genius William Sadler is. – Mia
Dave Grohl’s Cameo

Visiting their 70s, born again rocker fantasies to retrieve the song that saves the world, they think they’ve finally made it when they teleport to a mansion. Little do they know they haven’t made it at all and in fact, Bill and Ted have been squatting in rocker Dave Grohl’s house. Although his cameo was short, it was the perfect addition.
Although we would write about every single moment in the film if we could, that is just simply not possible. Bill & Ted Face the Music is the perfect love letter to fans, reminding everyone that even after all this time apart, Bill and Ted have a special place cemented in pop culture and everyone’s hearts. Bill & Ted Face the Music is in select theaters and available on demand now. Click here to check availability near you and to rent/buy the film.
Are there any moments you would have liked to see make the list? Let us know in the comments below.