An Official Party Planning Guide From ‘The Office’ Coming This October

Insight Editions

While most people know The Office for its people person’s paper people, we can’t forget the people person’s Party Planning Committee that helped bring festivities to Dunder Mifflin for holidays, birthdays, welcome parties, going away parties…parties for every possible occasion, really. And though the process getting there was often…difficult, I think we can all agree the end results were well worth it. Now, you can plan your own Party Planning Committee level party.

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Insight Editions has announced that The Office: The Official Party Planning Guide to Planning Parties, written by Marc Sumerak, Anne Merlowski, and Julie Tremaine, will be released on October 13. The book will include step-by-step guides for Kevin’s famous chili (don’t drop it!), creating your own stapler in gelatin, James Trickington’s garden party tips, and much more. It is a must-have for any fan of The Office (and maybe throw a party to celebrate owning it).

Pre-order the party planning guide ASAP as possible here. Relive all of Dunder Mifflin’s parties and the rest of the shenanigans from The Office on Netflix.

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