‘9-1-1’ Recap: Season 3, Episode 8 “Malfunction”


After last week’s powerful and emotional episode and a standout performance from Angela Bassett, on this week’s episode of 9-1-1 entitled “Malfunction,” it’s time for both Aisha Hinds and Ryan Guzman to shine. In the episode, Hen is dealing with Karen’s emotional breakdown three weeks after finding out they lost all six embryos and Eddie is physically fighting to push down his emotions of everything he’s gone through. How will it all go down? Keep reading to find out what happened during the newest episode of the FOX drama.

Eddie is fighting at a cage match and ends up winning, having many people bet against him. He asks the guy in charge when he can come back and says it doesn’t hurt. A friend told him he needed to find an outlet, and he thinks he found it. The guy tells him if he’s looking to blow off steam on Friday night, he’ll put him on the undercard. He tells Eddie to tap out or knockout; it works both ways.

While on a call, Hen takes a call from Denny, asking him what’s wrong. Later that night at home, she finds Karen in their bed, trying to get her to eat dinner with her and Denny. Karen tells her she’s not feeling well. Hen wonders why she doesn’t get up. She’s worried about her. Hen tells her she knows she’s still upset. Karen sits up and tells Hen it’s been three weeks. She’s sorry that her grief is taking so long. What would be an acceptable amount of time for her to mourn? They lost six embryos. Is it just one for each day? Or can she negotiate for a little more time to process her loss? Karen wants to know if she’s the only one that’s feeling it.

Just then, Denny comes in with some tea. He spills it on the bed, and Karen yells at him. He says sorry, and she says she’s sorry; she shouldn’t have yelled like that. Karen thanks him for bringing her the tea. Hen tells Denny to bring the cup back to the kitchen, they’ll both be out in a minute, and they can have dinner together. Once Denny leaves, Hen tells Karen she’s not the only one feeling the loss. Karen tells her she doesn’t know how to do what she does, how just to put it away. Hen says she hasn’t put anything away and is sad too. She got really attached to the idea of a new baby. Karen guesses maybe that’s the difference. Those embryos were just an idea to Hen, but each one of them was actually a part of her.

Eddie is fighting at another cage match. However, the guy he’s fighting … he beats him up pretty bad. Eddie notices there’s something wrong with him and reveals the guy isn’t breathing. He wants the owner to call 911, but he says he’s not calling anyone; the guy will be okay. Eddie tells him that his airway is blocked. He sticks his fingers into the guy’s mouth and pulls out part of his nose that Eddie knocked into his cranial cavity when he broke it before it fell down the guy’s throat. Eddie says he’s going to start leaking spinal fluid. A bystander outside the cage asks if he’s dead, and Eddie gets up and grabs his phone to call 911.

Everyone starts leaving when the 136 show up. Lena and another firefighter, Logan, check out the guy that was knocked out. Lena notices the part of the nose on the ground, saying someone cleared it and sat him upright. Eddie is watching it all go down from above, and before Lena catches him, he leaves. She finds Eddie and asks him if he’s the one who saved him or the one who almost killed him. Eddie says both. He asks if they can talk about it later, and he wants to leave before the police show up. Lena lends him her firefighter jacket, saying she’s saving herself the trouble of bailing him out of jail again.

Outside, they’re hiding behind Eddie’s truck. He tells Lena to tell him what hospital they drop the guy off at, and he’ll make sure he’s okay. Lena says he knocked his nose into his brain; he is not okay. Eddie tells her he did his best to help him; he’s the one who called 911. Lena asks him how long he’s been fighting there, and Eddie tells her a promoter saw him at the junkyard fights a few weeks prior and offered him a shot. It pays pretty good. Lena tells him that’s not why he’s doing this.

“Fighting was supposed to be a healthy outlet, not an obsession.”

Lena tells Eddie he needs to talk to someone. Cooper tells Lena they’re heading out, and as Lena is leaving, she tells Eddie they’ll talk about it later.

The next day, Hen is at Athena’s. Athena tells her she heard about what happened with the IVF. Chimney told Bobby, and Bobby told her. Athena says she wishes she had told her herself. Hen tells Athena she had so much on her plate, but Athena says there’s always room for her. Hen admits she thought they would’ve gotten through it. The day they got the news, they got in bed together and held each other; they cried and grieved. But then, at some point, Hen got up, but Karen was still lying in bed.

Hen says she sees her struggling, and she knows it’s real, and she knows Karen isn’t trying to spite her, but there’s just a part of her that … Athena interrupts Hen and says she’s angry with Karen. Hen agrees and says she doesn’t want to be. She hates that she is. She comes home, and the house is messy; Denny’s in front of the television, and he hasn’t eaten anything that doesn’t come out of a box or a bag. Hen wants to scream at Karen that they’re still there and that they need her. Hen admits to Athena she feels like such a terrible person for saying that out loud. Athena tells her she isn’t; she’s worried, frustrated, and exhausted. Hen says she’s scared. Athena tells her that Karen will come back to her, but until then, Hen has her.

Eddie gets to the station, and Bobby tells him he wants to see him. He sees Lena leaving, and she tells him she talked with Bobby. Eddie knows that Lena sold him out and tells her he thought they were friends. Lena asks him what the name of her cat is. She knows about his kid, his dead wife, his arrest record, and the guy he almost killed. Eddie tells her he has no idea. Lena says it’s a one-way street with him, and they’re not friends. As Lena walks away, she tells him she doesn’t have a cat.

Eddie meets with Bobby, who tells him that Captain Cooper called him the previous night; he recognized him from the tsunami and wanted to give Bobby a heads up about a potential problem in his house. Bobby tells Eddie that Lena was there when he pulled up, wanted to give him the full picture, and to make sure he wasn’t too hard on him. Eddie tells Bobby he’s fine, he just needed a place to let off some steam, but things got a little out of control. Bobby tells him he’s the guy who always keeps it together, no matter what life throws at him. Eddie says lots of people have it worse. Bobby says he wants to make sure he doesn’t think he has to lose everything before allowing himself to feel anything.

Eddie tells Bobby that Christopher needs him to be in control; he’s the only parent he’s got left, and he can’t let him down again. Bobby asks when he let him down, and Eddie asks when did he not let him down. He wasn’t there when he was a baby, he stayed away too long, and it broke his mother. Shannon ran away, and he couldn’t stop her; he couldn’t bring her back home. Eddie brought him there and let her back into his life. Bobby tells Eddie that’s what Christopher wanted. Eddie says he knew better; she already left once and broke his heart. He was so afraid she was going to do it again, but she did. Bobby says she died. Eddie mentions she died after she told him she wanted a divorce. And he’s still mad. He’s angry at a dead person and himself because he forgave her for everything, and it wasn’t enough; he wasn’t enough.

Hen and Chimney are on their way to the hospital after a call and while crossing an intersection, the ambulance crashes into a car.

A girl, Evelyn, is at her grandmother’s house, playing the cello for her, practicing for her Philharmonic debut. Afterward, Evelyn is driving home from picking up her dress and gets a call from her mother, but after hanging up, she doesn’t hear the ambulance and crosses the intersection, the ambulance making a direct impact on the driver’s side.

When Hen realizes what happened, she quickly gets out and tries to check on Evelyn, but she’s unresponsive. Chim and Hen are trying to open the car doors as the rest of 118 get to the scene, telling them they’re going to get the Jaws of Life. Bobby tells Hen he’s going to take over; she can’t work on her. They finally open the car door, and Buck notices more blood in the car than on her body. They try to resuscitate her. Hen is on the side, watching, almost breaking down. Athena runs up to her, saying Bobby called her. Hen is telling her what happened, barely being able to get the words out. Athena tells her to stop talking. She tells her that there’s going to be an investigation, and it starts now. LAFD, LAPD, they’re going to roll up on the scene with a lot of questions. Athena tells Hen she has to think about what she’s going to say, tell them what she knows, not what she thinks. Stick to the facts. Hen watches as Eddie shakes his head at Bobby, indicating they couldn’t save the girl.

9-1-1 is off next week, but it’ll be interesting to see what will happen after that shocking ending. Aisha Hinds’ acting was phenomenal, and seeing more of Hen and Athena’s friendship is always a plus. In two weeks, it will mark the second to last episode before the fall finale, so who knows what will happen?

Megan has been passionate about writing since she was little and has been passionate about all things pop culture and nerdy since almost as long. Joining Nerds and Beyond in 2019, she also graduated from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Journalism. Megan is constantly binge-watching shows and finding new things to obsess over. 9-1-1 and Marvel currently reign as the top obsessions. You can find her on Twitter @marvels911s if you ever want to discuss some certain firefighters.

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