New Clip Released from ‘Supernatural’ Season 15 Premiere

Image Courtesy The CW.

Tonight is the night!  As we are all sad that Supernatural is entering it’s fifteenth and finalL season, the CW has released the first full clip of tonight’s Season 15 premiere episode!  (Spoilers ahead!)

In this clip we see Sam, Dean and Castiel trapped inside what looks to be a crypt, presumably in the same cemetery the season 14 finale left off.  Team Free Will discusses what Chuck said to them in the finale, ‘Welcome to the end’, and ask ‘What does that mean?’.  In the meantime, they need to figure out a way to survive this predicament they are currently in.  Do they burn the bones of the ‘zombies’ outside, or do they take their chances trying to survive inside the crypt?  And kudos to the writers for Castiel’s perfect retort to Dean ‘Well, I wouldn’t starve’, after Dean worries about starving to death in the crypt.

You can watch the full clip here and don’t forget to tune in TONIGHT to watch the Season 15 premiere of Supernatural on the CW at 8!

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