‘Lucifer’ Season Four, Episode Six Recap: “Orgy Pants to Work”


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Spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned!

The episode opens on the aftermath of an orgy at Lucifer’s penthouse, with people passed out all around the room. The elevator dings, and Maze steps out. Maze spots Lucifer looking for a sock and his boot so he can finish getting dressed to head to work. Maze is annoyed with his having an orgy without her (after not hosting a decent orgy for years), and he tells her to come back on Saturday when things get really “freaky.”

At the precinct, Lucifer, Chloe, and Ella are sat at Chloe’s desk while Lucifer regales them with a sex story about Eve. Chloe tells him she’s fine with hearing all his stories but just needs to concentrate on work, so he has to stop. A rookie officer named Joan interrupts, and Lucifer offers her one of the donuts he brought in for the mandatory Monday meeting. Dan and Chloe let him know that it’s actually Wednesday, not Monday, and he managed to miss the meeting. Lucifer realises the “Candy Dandy Rave” donuts are the reason he lost two days and takes it back off the rookie. Chloe tries to get him to concentrate on the case files built up on her desk, but he gets a call and has to leave to head home for the “Naughty Raffle” with Eve.

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Maze goes back to the house she shares with Linda, and when she tries to put her knives down where they normally go, she notices a baby changing station there instead. Amenadiel appears and lets her know that things have changed in the months she has been gone and that he’s been helping Linda out in her absence. He then kisses Linda’s cheek and promises to meet up for Lamaze class later on (making sure to let Maze know she isn’t welcome to go before he leaves).

Linda tries to make it up to her by promising she can come to the next class, but Maze feels left out. Before leaving the house, Maze kicks over the metal box she brought in. It’s a present for the baby and the reason she’s been gone for months.

Chloe and Dan are heading to a crime scene, and Chloe promises him that Lucifer will get there soon. Dan complains about Lucifer’s behavior and that he shouldn’t work with the LAPD. While Ella is explaining how the victim died, Lucifer arrives at the crime scene, apologizing for being late and promising to be all business from that point on. This is when Ella notices that the pants Lucifer is wearing have no back in them, and everyone can see his backside. Chloe is mad at him, but Lucifer is just amused that he’s worn his “orgy pants” to work

Chloe is interviewing a woman who knew the victim, when Lucifer reappears to let her know he solved the problem by covering his rear in crime scene tape. While Chloe is questioning the woman, Lucifer’s phone keeps going off with messages until he steps away to take pictures of himself. When he joins Chloe again, they notice a young woman sketching the crime scene and approach to question her, which gives them the lead of a man following their victim. Once the young woman is gone, Chloe rounds on Lucifer to let him know that his recent extracurricular activities are affecting their work and that showing up in “assless slacks” is disrespectful. Lucifer promises it won’t happen again and puts his phone on silent as a gesture of goodwill, ignoring it when it continues to vibrate.

Image courtesy of Netflix.

Carrying a crate of coconut water, Maze turns up at Lucifer’s penthouse and sees that it’s empty, save for Eve, who is sitting in an empty kiddie pool eating laced brownies. Eve is upset that Lucifer bailed on their plans of “Bake & Drake” to go back to work. Maze convinces Eve that they should go out and party together rather than her sitting alone waiting for Lucifer to finish work.

Amenadiel is looking in a shop window at baby things, when he spots the reflection of a woman holding a spear. But when he checks over his shoulder, she’s gone. He hides behind a corner before grabbing the woman and slamming her into the wall. He smiles when he realizes it’s his sister Remiel and asks her why she has come to Earth. Remiel lets him know that she sensed a new angel… a baby.

Lucifer steps out of the elevator of his place, changing his trousers, when he realises Linda is there. She shows him the note that Eve left letting him know she went out with Maze. Linda tells him that she’s worried about him because he missed their last three sessions. Lucifer tells her that he’s fine, while ordering apology gifts for both Eve and Chloe. Linda lets him know that he can’t keep separating himself in two for both the women in his life, because he’ll come undone eventually. Before they can get any further into that discussion, Lucifer’s phone goes off letting him know there has been a break in the case, and he leaves.

Remiel thinks the baby is Lucifer’s and plans to steal it and take it up to Heaven, as it is forbidden for angels and humans to get romantically involved. She gets worked up and reveals her wings, which Amenadiel tells her to put away. She is annoyed and asks him to slow time so they can fly away, and he lies about why he can’t use his ability to do so anymore. He convinces her they should hunt the pregnant woman together after she changes her outfit.

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Chloe and Lucifer are in the car together on a stakeout. Chloe tells him that she knows they’re different but as long as he’s happy, it’s fine. We hear Lucifer snore and when Chloe looks over, he is fast asleep. Chloe takes advantage of that to tell him that she isn’t really happy with the way he is at the moment and that she’s a bit jealous. When she’s finished, she notices a man following a woman in the parking lot, and when he pulls a balaclava down over his face and puts a hood on the woman, they exit the car to approach the couple. He explains that he works for a K&R (kidnap & rescue) firm and that the victim did an audit on their company. When Gary threatened to report him for paying off border guards, he tailed him to force him to shut up, but he lost him in Malibu Canyon. Lucifer offers to go to the office and do hours of boring research so Chloe can go home and get some rest.

Maze and Eve go back to the penthouse and see Lucifer still isn’t there. Eve is upset and tells Maze it reminds her of when she was with Adam and that she never felt she was as good as his first wife Lilith. Maze lets her know that Lilith wasn’t perfect and that she would know since Lilith was her mother. A delivery man comes in with a package for Eve from Lucifer, and it’s a copy machine. After she plugs it in, it starts printing the message “Apologies Detective, I wont let you down again ever.” It continues to print out “ever,” and Eve watches, upset.

Back at the precinct, Dan and Chloe see a sex doll in one of the chairs and spot a card on it, but they both know who sent it. They find Lucifer asleep in one of the offices, and Dan slaps him awake, while Chloe reads out the card “For us to enjoy together.” Chloe asks if he’s joking, and Lucifer tries to play it off as a gift for all the precinct to use, before Ella comes in and interrupts. She lets them know the clothes he was wearing were the wrong size, which helps Lucifer narrow down a location on the maps he had been looking through.

The location is “Willow’s Glenn — A Nudist Colony.” Chloe is told she she cannot enter unless she is naked or has a warrant. She lets the guard know she’ll return with a warrant, and by the time she has turned around, Lucifer and Ella have already stripped.

They both head inside with a picture of the victim Gary to question everyone there. They learn that Gary had an argument with Julian, the late owner’s son. They question Julian in a Jacuzzi, and he tells them Gary was hitting on women, and he had to talk to him about it. As he goes to leave, Chloe turns up to tell him he’s being taken down to the station and that he’ll need to put some clothes on, as will Lucifer and Ella.

Image courtesy of Netflix.

Amenadiel has taken Remiel to Lux to look for the woman she thinks is pregnant with Lucifer’s child. She rants about humans, and Amenadiel explains how humans are good and special. He gets two texts from Linda asking him where he is, and he lies about it to his sister.

Linda takes Maze with her to the Lamaze class where they are watching a video of childbirth. Linda looks horrified while Maze is eating snacks and enjoying herself — so much so she asks if they can watch it again. The teacher says they don’t have time and starts to explain how bonds are formed between child and mother and that they will always feel loved. When Linda turns around, Maze has left.

Chloe is questioning Julian in the interrogation room, and he just waits until the lawyers show up and then leaves as his father paid his bail for him. His father owns nearly all the ports in the Pacific, which means Julian is practically untouchable.

Lucifer returns home calling out for Eve and carrying the sex doll he bought for them both to use. Eve lets him know she’s no longer angry about everything, because she realizes she used to do the same thing with her husband Adam.  But it didn’t matter what she did or changed about herself for Adam; it would never be enough, because she wasn’t his first wife Lilith, even though she was literally created from him and for him. Eve lets Lucifer know that she thinks he’s perfect the way he is and shouldn’t have to pretend to be something he’s not. Lucifer finds a note in his pocket and leaves as it’s a break in the case.

Ella, Dan, and Chloe are trying to work out why Julian is running the nudist retreat when Lucifer appears, shoving Dan out the way to announce that he’s got a break in the case. He shows them the note he found in his suit with the name “Marigold” on it. But Dan thinks it was put there during one of his sex parties. Chloe interrupts Dan and Lucifer’s bickering to tell them that “Marigold” wasn’t a woman but rather one of Julian’s father’s ships and that it docks tonight.

Chloe and Lucifer are back in her car, now at the docks. She checks to see if he’s awake this time, much to Lucifer’s amusement. Lucifer wants to know if Chloe thinks he’s different at work than he is away from work. He admits he likes work and that it makes him want to be a better man, even if he’s never been that man before. Chloe tells him that people grow and change all the time, and if who he is at work feels right, then it’s real.

A van pulls up to the ship, and they start unloading women for human trafficking. They exit the car, and Chloe announces they are LAPD. A gunfight ensues, with Lucifer punching out the remaining man that Chloe hasn’t shot. Backup police arrive, and Chloe sends Lucifer off after Julian, who escaped. Lucifer finds him in a warehouse and disarms him. Julian tells him his father is much worse than he is, because he hides behind a smile and an expensive suit. Julian asks, “What kind of man pretends to be something he isn’t?” Lucifer throws him to the ground and tells him he’s not going to punish him — he’ll leave it to the police. Julian runs away, only to encounter rookie officer Joan, who he shoots. Lucifer rushes to her aid but is too late to save her. He stands there as they take her body away, and Dan stops to tell him it was his fault and that he doesn’t help and isn’t one of the good guys.

Back at Lucifer’s penthouse, he is on the phone with Maze getting an address. Eve arrives, and he tells her she was right about him: trying to pretend he was something he wasn’t meant a bad man got away. Eve thinks Lucifer should be the one to punish him, but he isn’t sure he’s even capable of it anymore. But Eve tells him he will always be capable of it because he’s the Devil, and Lucifer agrees with her.

Remiel and Amenadiel are still in Lux, and she thinks he’s stalling about helping her find the baby, because of his newfound love of humans and free will. When she tells him she’ll be very careful where she cuts the mother to get the baby, Amenadiel admits he’s protecting the mother and that the child is his.

Linda is sorting out baby supplies at her house when she finally picks up the metal container that Maze gave her. Inside is a baby blanket, because Maze realizes that it’s what she would have wanted as a child. Linda lets her know that she’ll always be a part of her family, because she’s “Aunty Maze.”

Image courtesy of Netflix.

Julian enters a house and pulls a bag out from under the bed, turning when he hears a lighter strike. When he turns around, Lucifer is sitting on a chair, smoking while he waits for him. Lucifer asks how many of the trafficked women’s lives he’s taken or destroyed. Julian tells him they were broken before he even got to them, and then he empties the clip of the gun he’s been holding into Lucifer. When it doesn’t affect Lucifer, Julian asks, “What are you?” And Lucifer shows him his devil face before kicking him out of the window and into the forest below. Lucifer walks outside to where Julian is laid, with Eve joining him. Looking down on him, Lucifer says, “You asked what I am. I’m the Devil,” and he breaks Julian’s back with his foot.

Stay tuned for more episode recaps from the latest season of Lucifer!

When I'm not working the night shift at a plastics factory, I can be found on the couch getting cuddles with my three furbabies.I love binge watching Netflix, chatting to friends or working on editing my photographs.

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