Update: Matt Cohen Adds New Perks, Reaches $22,000 on Campaign for ‘Mama Bear’

Matt Cohen launched an Indiegogo Campaign for his feature directorial debut for Mama Bear, and has already raised over $22,000!

The goal is to raise $100,000, to be able to bring you the best, kick-ass short film. The short, as Matt told us, has a female main character that, “has 24 hours to save her four year old and find him a liver transplant, and the only viable donor is the ex-kingpin/drug lord/piece of s*** boyfriend of hers.” Matt talked about wanting to see a kick-ass female on screen, and wanting it to feel like, “the female Punisher in a sense.” It’s slated to be a short film, which he hopes will eventually turn into a feature-length film. As of now, his plans are to shoot the short in four days, with production hopefully wrapping in mid-November.

Mama Bear will star Matt’s wife, the incredibly talented Mandy Musgrave (South of Nowhere, Kings of Con) as the title character. Other familiar names will appear in the short that you may know, including Rob Benedict, Richard Speight, Jr., Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Jason Manns, Jim Beaver, and Adam Fergus.

Matt has added a bunch of new perks since originally launching the campaign, such as as personal video shoutout, temporary tattoos, South of Nowhere signed script, a gift certificate to Stands and more. More perks are certainly going to end up popping up as the campaign continues.

Donate to Matt’s campaign here, and help get this short film made! If you don’t have the means to donate, share, tweet, post, etc. with as many people as you can!

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