Louden Swain Series: Fans Share Favorite Music Videos

Welcome to the third part in our Louden Swain series! If you missed them, you can read part 1 and part 2. We’ll be posting a series of articles celebrating the band and leading up to the release of their new acoustic album, Splitting the Seams, which will release on October 26.
We asked for input from fans of the band, and had them answer questions. We had a huge turnout, with many fans wanting to share their favorites and their stories. For this installment, fans share their favorite music videos from the band, and why they love that video so much.
“Bandaged Hand”
Lindsey (@lindseyiam): “Honestly, I think [my favorite is] probably ‘Bandaged Hand’! Rich [Speight, Jr.] took a super simple setting (literally a giant empty room), basic equipment (an iPhone), and filmed something that’s super fun (in under 30 minutes!). It’s all about those angles! And you can just tell that they guys all had fun with it and were enjoying themselves.”
Sam (@honeybeemish): “I’m partial to ‘Bandaged Hand’, it’s such an upbeat song and I love the simplicity. To me the video shows their personalities and weirdness that we all love. It’s also super neat that Rich recorded it for them at a convention.”
Gisselle (@lopezado8696): “Without a doubt, the music video for ‘Bandaged Hand’. Not only was the video created in a half-hour on an iPhone, but it also featured the incredible directing talents of the lovely Richard Speight, Jr.! Even though this was a made as a professional music video for Louden Swain, you can see how much fun the band is having throughout the filming process. Plus, Stephen Norton playing the invisible drums kills me every time!”
Brittany (@tasteofmyhominy): “‘Bandaged Hand’! Firstly, I love the story behind how it was made: backstage at a convention, in something like under an hour, shot on an iPhone, directed by the one and only Richard Speight Jr. Secondly, I think the video easily captures each of the guy’s unique personalities and talents in a way that can only be done by a close friend of the band. It’s just so good.”
Kelli (@klairermusic1): “I like ‘Bandaged Hand’ because it looks like the guys are having so much fun doing the video.”
Sarah (@Wyldefandom): “My favourite music video is the one they did for ‘Bandaged Head’ that was directed by Richard Speight, Jr. The whole video was filmed using an iPhone 6, the angles it was shot and the editing you would think they had multiple cameras in use. I love when music videos are done with the concert vibe and not too distracting taking away from the band the story the song is telling. Also, the fact that it was all done backstage at a Supernatural convention in around 30 minutes is impressive, they were all there busy at the convention and still took the time out to film a music video. Let’s not forget we get some quality air drums from Stephen and Billy tried to use Borja as a chair.”
Brandy (@horrorlovingirl): “‘Bandaged Hand’. Michael Borja sitting on a concrete floor with a Casio keyboard. That’s it. That’s all I need to say.”
Amanda (@BandagedLetdown): “My favorite Louden Swain music video is ‘Amazing’ because it is full of fans and has a raw feeling to it. We, the fans, get a look behind the scenes of the guys traveling to a venue together, and it doesn’t hurt that Rob is rocking the red converse.”
Natasha (@NatashaCole): “My favorite video is the one for ‘Amazing’ because I feel like it was a love letter to their fans. We see them in their elements (SNS, cons, and other live shows) and get some great backstage footage.”
Jennifer (@macd1982): “I’m slightly biased on this one, but my favourite music video is ‘Amazing’. The majority of it features footage that was shot at Swain’s ‘No Time Like The Present’ album release party in LA, which I was lucky enough to attend. I’m actually featured front and center in the video at one point. It makes me so happy every single time I watch it because that night was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I made a point of thanking each of the guys in person for making that video because it just feels like a giant love letter to their fans.”
Elise (@broadwayswain): “Gonna have to tie it back to ‘Amazing’ for this question. Not only am I in it but several friends are. I love Swain’s dedication to their fans and this music video truly shows it. Never in my life have I seen a music group be this *Amazing* to fans to the point where they dedicate an entire music video to them. This music video has also helped me accomplish a bucket list goal of mine of being in a music video, so I gotta give props to that.”
Sam (@SwainerSam): “I would have to say ‘Amazing’ because I was there and I just felt all the energy of that crowd and the love they felt for us and I had so many great memories of that night, so it’s a nice reminder.”
Kari (@kariface27): “My favorite video is ‘Amazing’. I was there when they were filming and you can see my friends in the front. It’s just an all around wonderful video and it’s a great tribute to the fans.”
Lori (@SPNZookeeper): “I think my favourite music video is the video for ‘Amazing’. Not only because I love the song, but mostly because I love seeing so many familiar faces in the video. I absolutely love watching my friends sing their hearts out and seeing the genuine happiness pouring out of them in that moment is just incredible. It’s a music video that can always put a smile on my face!”
Jenna (@sushiswain): “I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the ‘Amazing’ music video that was compiled from SNS videos and the album release party. It makes me smile to look back on it and see so many friends (and me, for a split second!) having the time of their lives listening to the band we all love. The video was released in 2017 on the day I found out I was going to be unemployed for the second time in three months, and it made an awful day just a little brighter.”
Sara (@altsunthinkable): ‘Amazing’. It’s so much fun to watch it and be able to spot myself and so many of my friends in it from the footage of the release party.”
Katie (@katmgc): “I suppose I should say ‘Amazing’ considering I’m in it for a whole 2 seconds. No, really, that was an awesome gesture the band did, to give tribute to us fans like that, and I will forever be grateful for the honor of being apart of that.”
Trish (@SwainerGirl): “The video for ‘Amazing’. That was such an awesome experience to actually be there at that release party and then to actually be in a music video!”
Stacy (@LoveandSwain): “It’s definitely ‘Amazing’. I was so excited when I heard they were releasing a video for the song. That video blew any expectations I may have had completely out of the water. Seeing all my friends just so happy experiencing a thing that they love… nothing can possibly top that. Also, I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty awesome being able to say I was in a music video.”
Kim (@KimSaysSmile): “‘Amazing’ is my favorite music video. I couldn’t be at the show but the video makes me feel like I was there. And seeing so many friends in the video living their best lives makes my heart happy.”
Amanda (@AmandaC0124): “I love the music video to ‘Amazing’ when i watched it the first time, it brought back memories of how i feel at every SNS i’ve attended and the amount of love and support in that room, it’s truly powerful and addictive.”
Jess (@JessHawden): “My favourite music video is the one for ‘Amazing’. I love seeing so many familiar friendly faces throughout it and seeing how happy everyone is during the during concerts and signings. I also love the little glimpses of life on the road we get to see interspersed throughout. I love how much care and love has gone into the video which shows in the way its been edited together so beautifully.”
“All I Need”
Charlotte (@Charlot74714899): “I love the ‘All I Need’ video because it’s just hilarious, my favourite moment is when the guy lines up coke on the cymbal!”
Judith (@LAgirlHD): “‘All I Need‘ because Rob just looked so adorable in it! And the song is super catchy.”
Paige (@lightinmychest): “‘All I Need’. It’s a great song, and some parts of it make me laugh.”
Niki (@darlingniki): “‘All I Need’ for sure…. but that’s probably because it was the first one I ever watched.”
Holly (@AccioAwesome): “‘All I Need’. I love the song already and it lends itself to a narrative music video, unlike some others. Plus it’s great to see a long-haired Norton getting dragged out of a bar.”
Finn (@againsthewave_): “‘All I Need’. Stephen’s hair. That’s the whole answer.”
Helen (@mywaywardsonsuk): “‘All I Need’ is my favourite as it makes me laugh so much, especially Stephen losing it at the guy who does a line off of one of his cymbals. Him being dragged out at the end by bouncers cracks me up. Also I love how young the guys look, Stephen with long hair and Billy with his awesome afro!”
Mary (@pare6386): “Hands down, my favorite music video is ‘All I Need’. It is a great music video for a fun song that truly conveys the typical party or bar experience when you’re younger (drunk people falling on you, trying to get you to drink, awkward small talk with people you don’t know, being the parent friend making sure your friends don’t get into trouble) and as an introvert, I’m dreaming/wanting to be somewhere or with someone or something else.”
Maranda (@maranda_martin): “I love them all for different reasons, but the one with the most reasons is probably the ‘All I Need’ video just because it’s basically their first music video ever, and the hair. It’s all about that hair stage for Norton and Billy.”
Emma (@EmmaV421): “‘All I Need’, because to me it perfectly conveys what are the best things about Louden Swain. It is cute and beautiful, yet has it’s funny moments. That is one of the reasons why Louden Swain is amazing, they are rock stars that haven’t lost sight of being who they are.”
Muriel (@housecatsswain): “‘All I Need’. I love the setting and them playing in the bar and all the these people trying to entice them with alcohol, etc.”
Scout (@scoutstiel): “‘All I Need’. I mean, it’s got everything you need, it’s right there in the title. Sombreros? Stephen Norton getting kicked out of a bar? Literal guitar-licks? Stumbling drunks, and a light reminder that smoking is bad? Check, check, check, etc.”
Sarah (@SharksandSwain): “‘All I Need’. It’s so cute and funny and lighthearted. I had the biggest smile on my face (while lovingly shaking my head) the first time I watched it.”
Chris (@Chris_afec): “‘All I Need’. For the lolz ;)”
Judy (@JayeEmm): “‘All I Need’ – Such a great concept. It’s sweet and hilarious every time. Kicky Norton feet at the end for the win!”
Laurie (@LauriePriemen): “‘All I Need’. It’s hilarious, adorable, amazingly put together and also one of my favorite songs.”
“Something to Say”
Sandra (@poptartswain): “I wanna say all of them but probably the video for ‘Something to Say’. The stop-motion thing is super fun!”
Aileen (@fandomfreak221b): “I absolutely adore the animation in ‘Something to Say’ and it’s honestly so cute!”
Emily (@fiveafterseven): ‘Something to Say’ is a really cute concept, clearly took a lot of time to put together, and stars Julie McNiven so truly it’s the obvious choice.”
Kelli (@klairermusic1): “I like ‘Something to Say’ because it is so different with the stop motion photographs.”
MaryJane (@12TimeTraveler): “‘Something to Say’ is my favorite video. It’s so…artsy and awesome. I’m a film major so I’m always excited by creative videos and the stop-motion of the photographs just makes me so incredibly happy.”
Karyl (@karylannegeary): “My favorite video is ‘Something to Say’, hands down. Partially because it’s my second favorite song, but also because it’s just so cool! I love the effect of Rob looking like a paper doll on the shelf and how it underscores to the song’s meaning of things making us feel small but how we still have a voice and something worth saying.”
Veronica (@veronica_bum) “‘Something to Say’. I like the song itself as well. I consider myself very shy and the song lyrics remind me that I need to speak up if I have something to say, like the “tiny” Rob in the video wants to do.”
Shannon (@reelnerdy): “‘Something to Say’, I think because there’s something hypnotic about watching Photo Rob climb up the bookshelf.”
“Cast Off”
Dean (@ChucksVessel): “My favorite video would have to be ‘Cast Off’. They all look so cute and soft in it.”
Shaena (@StartoftheAct): “My favorite music video will always probably be ‘Eskimo’. No matter how much I watch it, it will always be funny.”
Emma (@simplyreflected): “‘Eskimo’ is my favourite music video because I like to believe it’s about trying to make the best of whatever situation is headed your way while trying to find where you belong in the world.”
Rachael (@NessaNight): “‘Eskimo’ is my favorite video because it’s light and silly. And Rob looks good in a parka.”
Julieta (@poptartheartt): “‘Eskimo’, because the boys are totally adorable plus i love the song!”
“Help You”
Tiffany (@Tiffany Shope1): “I love the one they recorded for ‘Help You’. Rob’s voice just comes across so well and I love the fact that they showed that quote, ‘if you’re an actor you have no business making an album, no matter how good you sound in the shower’. It’s a subtle little f** you.”
Michelle (@lydrewsmom): “Every video is a gift far as I’m concerned but my favorite is ‘Help You’. Getting a small peek behind the curtain on the friends while they’re in their element is great. I love the relaxed feeling of the entire video. Four people doing what they love.”
“Gamma Ray”
Tiffany (@TiffIsWayward): “‘Gamma Ray’, because it’s just so well produced and I love the song.”
Vera (@raths_kitten): “This is hard to choose, but I think ‘Gamma Ray’ is my favorite, because it’s really funny and kinda weird and it fits with the spirit of the song, and the band as a whole.”
“Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You”
Erika (@soliloquywriter): “My favorite Louden Swain video is their cover of Billy Squier’s cover of ‘Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You’. I was invited to recreate this video with some very close friends, and we had a blast, so it will always remind me of that day, how badly I sang, because I had never heard the song previously, and just how Swain brought me so many amazing new friendships through their music.”
Aileen (@fandomfreak221b): “I know that ‘Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You’ isn’t an official music video, but I can’t help but love how dorky the four of them are in the video! I screamed when they sang it during one of their Stageit shows.”
Katie (@mattcohen4fake): “My favorite music video Louden Swain has ever done and will ever do is for their cover of Billy Squier’s ‘Christmas is the Time to Say I Love You’. I remember watching this video for the first time upon discovering this band… and it was just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It changed my life. The bad lip synching, the maybe-drunk-but-definitely-
“Past Perfect”
Lynette (@LynetteParki): “My favorite music video is ‘Past Perfect’. I love seeing the clips of them behind the scenes on their 2011 European Tour. I love seeing the personality and heart of the band through the clips, even if they look like they are lost in the Europe 70% of the video. I also laugh very loudly at Rob looking happy and oblivious while he is in the way of angry commuters on the underground. If you’re not walking up the escalator then you need to keep right in Europe, Rob!”
“Be Me”
April (@Aprilvian): “‘Be Me’, it suits the song so well and seems so candid.”
Stay tuned for part 4!