Life-Size ‘Supernatural’ Sam & Dean Funko Figures Coming to SDCC

Warner Bros. announced more about their booths and plans for San Diego Comic-Con, and included this little note:

Fans will recognize life-sized Funko figures of Supernatural’s Sam and Dean Winchester guarding the Warner Bros. yacht moored behind the convention center.

They won’t be available to purchase, but you’ll be able to see live-sized figures of Sam and Dean!

Warner Bros. also announced that guests would be signing at the Warner Bros. throughout the weekend, and they do have a Supernatural appearance set up for Sunday. The signing times are still to be announced, as well as guests. Wristbands are required for all signings at the Warner Bros. booth and they ask that youe visit the Sails Pavilion on the morning of the signing for the random ticket drawing.

Stay tuned for more SDCC news throughout the weekend!

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