GISHWHES to End After This Year

This could be the very last year forGishwhes!

They’ve just released a statement via Twitter, which you can see below:

As you’ll see in the tweets, you’ll see “This year will likely be the last year of GISHWHES as we know it” – so we’re holding out hope that Misha will bring it back in some sort of capacity.

If you’ve never heard of GISHWHES before, here’s a little background information:

GISHWHES is a 7-time Guinness World Record breaking scavenger hunt hosted by Supernatural actor and Random Acts co-founder Misha Collins. You can compete from anywhere in the world.

The items on the list range, but could be anything from “perform a sock puppet show at a children’s hospital” to “get the word “gishwhes” written on something in space.”

At the end of the hunt, a winning team is chosen to join Misha on a trip! Previous years Misha has taken the winning team to Rome, Scotland, British Columbia, Iceland and more. This year’s hunt, the winning team will join Misha in Hawaii!

G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S. (The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen) takes place August 5th to 12th.

There’s still two weeks to register!

Different GISHWHES registration packages are available:

$21.08 – Basic gishwhes Registration

$47.77 – Secret Holiday Card Package – Get a card from Misha for the holidays. Every year Misha mails a SIGNED cockle-warming surprise Holiday Card to those that select this package. Each signed card (they’re literally a work of art) is saved by Gishers as a gishwhes collectible. It will arrive just in time for the holidays so you can display to your family and friends the weirdness that is gishwhes! Ships in the fall. Free shipping.

$98.21 – Gishwhes Flag and Misha Panic Button Package – This year’s much coveted, Misha-signed, gishwhes LIMITED EDITION COLLECTOR’S flag promises to reach cosmic realms with a special “Space” edition design. You’ll also receive an exclusive Misha panic button – a big button you stick anywhere and press (and press and press and press) when panicking (or simply bored), featuring a secret audio message from Misha to get you through the gishwhes off-season doldrums. PLUS, you’ll receive all the schwag in lower packages. Ships in the fall. Free shipping.

$249.69 – Premiumer-Deluxestest-PrimeTM Package – This is our Premiumer-Deluxestest-PrimeTM package and it’s the best upper tier package we’ve EVER offered for gishwhes. Just look at this bounty waiting for you…
A premium ticket and exclusive access to gishwhes’s first-ever “gishwhes Virtual Wrap Party” hosted by Misha Collins (held after the Hunt finishes).
You will become the proud foster protector and parent of Porcupandas! It’s actually Giant Pandas you’ll officially foster and protect – there are fewer than 1,900 in the wild, as gishwhes will donate $10 to Pandas International in your name. As a foster parent, you’ll receive an official Porcupanda adoptor certificate, a Porcupanda plushie, the commemorative gishwhes 2017 Porcupanda Mascot Pendant, and a bumper sticker (“Proud Parent of a Porcupanda!”).
The “gishwhes Space Explorer’s Kit” containing everything you’ll ever need to explore this, and multiple other universes: (1) the first ever limited and numbered gishwhes comic book, “gishwhes Mascots in Space!” – sure to become a collector’s item of immeasurable worth, (2) a gishwhes mascot hybrid cookie cutter set, (3) a zero gravity gishwhes travel mug, (4) a gishwhes cooler (to pack your space beverages and snacks), (5) a “gishwhes constellations” glowing sticker set (first time you’ll get to see the celestially-heralded “Assbutt Constellation”) – you can stick them on your ceiling or toilet, and (6) the official 2017 gishwhes Space Patch. Misha will record a wake-up message for your phone (personalized with your name) to startle you into your day….
PLUS, you’ll receive all the schwag in lower packages. Ships in the fall. Free shipping.

Gisholarship – Only use this tier if you honestly require financial aid. Please don’t take someone else’s spot that really needs it if you don’t. If you cant afford $21.08 you may apply for a Gisholarship. Gisholarships will be voluntarily gifted by other Gishwhes participants granting you free registration. Gishwhes will match EVERY Gisholarship gifted. As you are dependent on the generosity of others, there is no guarantee you will receive a Gisholarship. We hope to award lots of Gisholarships, but you may not be notified that you have received a Gisholarship until after registration has closed as we need to review all applications and match them with Grantors.

For more information on GISHWHES and how to participate, Visit!

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